5:39 PM Saturday, May 24, 2008
Im back from the HOT sentosa.
I woke up at 6a.m. then Sonia called me, never pick cause i was like still dead. xD Hahahha.
Thn i couldn't make my mind what to wear loh. D: Then i just decided to wear the same clothes thats day went kbox. Just change pants to skirt.
Then i left house at 7 and Sonia was waiting for me. :X And we dont know wht we're in school. Then called berny.
We wait until 7.45 then sit taxi to go Enous MRT. Went Mr Bean.
And Sonia asked, i thought it was the real Mr Bean. ==!!
We played in Mr Bean. Haha.
My unglam was taken by Sonia. D:

Thanks to me. ^
Then when Bern arrived at Enous, we went and find her. Waited for Alicia for the longlong time. While waiting, unglam of Berny was also taken by
Finally, Alicia came. And, i slept at Bern's car as i was DAMN tired. Also, i wore contacts even im damn sleepy!
Then reach liao. Went around and tken LOADS of free things. xD
After that, plaed games. Games made US sweat like hell!
Games indeed need
Bofore resting, Bern an Me wated balloons. ;D
Alicia get for us and herself. :D
My balloon was purple. Uner the sun, will have purple one. ;D Saw Berny?

Followed, we rest at this thingy. And its for games. ><

The games is to knock the person down. Did play with Sonia. But ddn't take pcitures. xD Bern was scared.
Nothing to do, then the keep sms. AIYOH. So, i also take out phone. Is to make berny angry. :X

Bern take this! D: Nevermind, revenge time! ;)

Its all taken by me. :D Hhahhah!
We have so many pass! :D
Starting nothing to do. So we played wth sands. ;D
Buried legs and shoes. xD ROFLMAO.
All was written to...
Our loliop given by the pirates. ;)
After the prize was given out and blah blah, went and sat car to go around Sentosa.
And Bern mother got prize to swim with the dolphines. ;D
I sat beside bern and we went crazy. And she's flooding my photo album. ><
And we're so mean. We push a food to someone legs and we keep saying DOWN DOWN DOWN! xD
Random pictures. xD
Bern sat with this idian man. And she saw so many hair on the hand, she took picture of it. ROFL.
This werid man. ;D Bern lov him!
Finish riding go ride another one. See berny, look like auntie. So many bags!
Then took this merlion. HAH.

Finally had finish our tiring day. xD In bern car, wore the pirate cap.
End off with my & Bern unglam ! xD

Surrender? Haha!

HAHAHA! Continue laughing okayy?! ;)

This is an extra picture. I was stick together with Alicia. The balloon tangle.