3:53 PM Friday, May 23, 2008

D: I get back my report book. And i did badly indeed!
I dont care, i gonna chiong for studies during the holiday after today! Cause, i want to transfer! D: Today, people was so sad after they get their results.
Me,Bern,June and Alicia went ICC to waste time and shan xin. xD
101 3 people tranfered to express. But one girl dont want to. WTH?! ==!!
ROFL. No much to say. BYE.
Yesterday pic haven finish. Post it later.
Continue at 9.42p.m.

Kay, im posting yesterday picture which i have not finish and also azida and my D&T toy which doesn't makes me feel proud at all?
But still, im gonna post it lah.
This photo made me run alomst 10 rounds. Heehee.
Kayxi piggyback-ing jolyn? Hahah
Bern ready for pose. :D Not to move is the best. Move le, unglam photo will be worse! ROFL.
While waiting for choir to start, taken azida's work! Heehee :D
And, this is mine! D: *paiseh*
And im going out tomorrow with

and i think somemore but no idea who. Cause both of them invite one. No idea. ;D
Wish tomorrow will have funfunfun!
Amanda, nevermind if your father dont allow cause of
results! June holiday, lets play hard and also, study hard kay? :D
Good luck staying at home without me online-ing! ;) Hahah,
im mean. xD
Love amanda.

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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