She's gonna post about what happen in ECP with Amanda, xiaoyee and Sheryl dayee on 26/05/08. :D
We walked there.Its very hot kay?! But, nvm lah. :) Cause its damn FUN todayy! YAY!
Actually wanted to cycle but then at last Sheryl want to skate. Kayyy... We decided to skate. :D We took like about 20min to wear everything on cause this is the first time for me to skate? AHHH! *paiseh*
First one who fall is...
Hahahahha! I was laughing at her and i cant move cause once i move i will be like her. After that went and help her. So, after a while, we get the hand of it i think? I decided to cross Amanda. Didn't expected...
My skate is not going in. But going out! I end up following down. Plus, there's stair. And i dont get the hurt lah.
Sheryl was laughing at me non-stop. Sheryl laugh the loudest and longest de lah! So mean lah her! D:
The last fall of sheryl was damn funny. She like flying then fall. I laugh like hell. Sheryl went to the road and try. She fell down. :D
Total of falling downs:
Yipee, mine the least one! Hahahahahah! :D
At last we went back to the skating shop. Cause, Amanda want play DDR liao. So, sheryl listen to her loh. ><
Just see the pictures and will roughly tell you liao hoh?
Then we stop liao. Went to the beach. Its a bad choice to go lah! Cause i was being put by sand! Then i went and chase Sheryl. :D
Finally, i caught her! (:
Then i put sand on her too. :D Next, was Amanda!
Amanda say she cannot touch until sand later parents know blah blah. At last, she's at the sea playing with water and etc.
They play i go sit down. Cause i was really damn dirty. My hair, face, ear and every part of my body have sand.
Which made me damn uncomfortable! D:
After that, we went to the arcade again.
Played DDR again! Our life is really damn boliao loh.
I cant play liao cause my leg is damn pain liao. D:
Play finish le taken pictures. :D Andandand, all the pictures are retared lah! But nvm. :D
Thank you aunties for the day! (: HAHA. :D