3:45 PM Friday, May 16, 2008

Im here to BLOG again. Cause i forgotten to say what happen yesterday and other shity lah okay.
Before going for choir lesson, went to parkway with Tifflin,Sandra and QinHui. Ate Mac and me and Sandra just went school and they went to Bedok.
Then in bus 196 no one leh. So i just lay down. All of them started laughing. ._____.
Also, started taking my unglam! AHHHHH!

Nvm, i do that to them everytime. :D Im gonna be MEAN! YAY.
Heehee :D Beware of me hoh! :P
Then yesterday night nothing to do. i open my drawer and saw me and my sister whn we was young. xP

Thats US.
Should know who is who bah! (:
Anw, i told my dad my result le. He never say anything. Means im gonna have freedom duing the holidays!
Friends, i can go out! Isn't that good? Haha. Im retarded now kay?! Thanks to myself. ;)
Dayee tday during recess she beat me leh. Aiyoh, she very mean hoh? :] But, nvm lah. Did that cause of my... eh, yeah. Hehheh.
Meet her in toilet with Amanda at 12.30. wth lah. Ms Soo was like suspecting me loh. But nvm. (: Dayee currently like angry leh. At bus sms-ing her, i say she unfriendly. Then she like abit angry leh! Howw?! ));
Nvm, she not that petty lah ho

Yeah! This is how feel now. Heehee :D
Retarted me. :]

This smile is for Natalie and Noreen. (: I smile to them during exam. Eventually, they'll laugh like hell . Heehee :D h. :X

Thats all lah. TODOOOS! :D

QinHui! Get well soon. Jaime will always give you energy. Next time eat more! So thin. Must get well hoh! May god bless you!
Tuesday must see you hoh! (:
Love you loads! <3

words and music by Trevor Nerva & Julie Sim
1. IJ Spirit burning bright
Fill this world with love and light
Light that shines for all to see

Love that sets our spirits freeIJ friendships through the years

Born of simple joys and tears

Something tells us deep insideIJ friends are friends for life


Hold on to our dream of peace, don’t stop believing

Our hearts and hands ever seeking, ever serving

Hold on to the sound of our friends all joyously singing

Our voices raised to the Lord our God above

Hold on to our dream

2. IJ Spirit burning bright

Fill our hearts with love and light

Light to see ourselves anew

Love begins with me and youIJ voices ringing true

Reaching out and breaking through

Every heart will hear our call

Share our dream of peace for all

Final Refrain:

Hold on to our dream of peace, don’t stop believing

Our hearts and hands ever seeking, ever serving

Hold on to the sound of our friends all joyously singing

Our voices raised to the Lord our God above

Hold on to our dream (2)

Hold fast to the IJ DreamHold on our dream!

©2002 Trevor Nerva & Julie SimDonne Aeria, the Chairperson of the IJ School Board, expressed the wish to have a common song that all IJ students could sing at inter-school functions, regardless of which Convent school they came from. This would encourage a unifying identity among IJ schools.

Yeah, this lyrics is my song in the blog now. Yeah, all IJ students could sing at inter-school functions, regardless of which Convent school they came from. This would encourage a unifying identity among IJ schools.

Continued at 1.15
Im so in love with 斗牛,要不要!And i watch finish liao. Cause bought the CD. But somehow dont want it to end. (: Its a nice show to watch lah. Even its like you cry alot, but its nice when something happy and funny happened. ;D
You all should catch it. (:

And after the show, i love HEBE more as compared to last time. (: She rox lah!

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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