9:56 PM Thursday, May 15, 2008
AHHHH! Today receive all the paper is like soLAN lah! Obviously, i cried for chinese.
Cause Jolene Seah and Gloria all get higher than me leh!
And, this proofs that i never even work hard at all lah! And i want Cindy Keong's brian.
She got first for Science, Math and Geog. WTH lah! D:
English, overall dont know go pass not cause still dont know.
Goeg pass.
ANYWAY, if my english fail, i fail three subjects in total!
Which is the freaking lit, Science and English!
Whe i get my Chinese paper then go class i became damn upset. I went down screaming, im gonna chiong for the next coming exams!
Gonna really study!
So if JaimeNg dont post, dont blame. ((: HAHA. But also, im lazy to blog this few days. BAHH!
And i want to on diet. I was going on the web to find a way to diet. (:
How to Start Dieting
Whether you want to lose weight or get healthier, you're finally ready to commit to a diet. But if you want to succeed, you've got to prepare yourself. "Making lifestyle changes can be tough, which is why you should set yourself up to go the distance," says Martha McKittrick, R.D., C.D.E., C.D.N., a nutritionist in New York City. Here are nine pre-diet strategies you should follow to ensure long-term success:
1. Determine if the time is right.
Any change in lifestyle will take mental and physical energy, which will be tough if you're in the middle of a job upheaval, family crisis or other stressful situation. So before you start this diet, make sure you have the time, energy and focus to devote to it.
2. Draw from the past.
If you're like most people this probably isn't the first time you've tried dieting. Even if you didn't succeed in the past, you can still learn from what you've done. So ask yourself what worked in the past. Why did it work? On the flip side, what didn't work for you and why not?
3. Clean your environment.
Let's face it: Willpower is hard to attain, which is why if your house and office are loaded with foods that tempt you, you're starting with a disadvantage. The solution? Do a sweep of your environment and eliminate danger or trigger foods. Even if you have to keep these foods around the house for your kids, buy brands you don't like.
4. Create a support system.
Studies show that people who lose weight and keep it off have good support systems so start recruiting cheerleaders to help keep you on track. Maybe that's your family, your friends, your colleagues at work, even a group at church. Or if you prefer, you can always join a weight loss group like Weight Watchers or turn to the Internet to find buddies. No matter whom you enlist, having this support will help you stay the course, reinforcing your decision to become healthier.
5. Set realistic goals.
You've undoubtedly heard this a million times, but if your goals aren't attainable, you're only setting yourself up for failure. "If you set goals you can't reach, you'll become frustrated and will most likely quit," McKittrick says. If you need help setting these goals, talk with a registered dietitian. Just remember that if you're trying to lose weight, the safest, most effective goal is one to two pounds a week.
6. Plan to be active.
You'll have the most success if you pair dieting with physical activity. So develop a plan to gradually increase your activity levels. Figure out what activities you enjoy -- salsa dancing and gardening count! -- and then gradually ease into becoming more active. For instance, perhaps you plan to walk 10 minutes three times a week. After a few weeks, increase to 15 minutes. Then add a fourth day.
7. Take baby steps.
Rather than making changes at all once, space them out over the course of several weeks, and you'll have a better shot at adopting each change into your lifestyle. For instance, focus on eating two or three more servings of fruits and veggies a day during the first week. The next week, add another habit, like downsizing food portions or reducing your red meat consumption.
8. Focus on the positive.
It's easy to feel deprived when you start dieting. After all, you're giving up habits that have been with you for months, if not years. But rather than focusing on the negative, seek the positive. Look at this diet as a way to experiment with new recipes or foods you've never tried.
9. Expect to have setbacks.
All of us slip up at one point or another so don't beat yourself up. Instead, just nudge yourself back on track, knowing that slipping up is normal and one little mistake won't make you a failure.
This website is also
http://body.aol.com/diet/basics/easy-weight-losshttp://body.aol.com/diet/basics/lose-weight-fastKay, im going to do a timetable for June Holidays. (:
Im gonna see if im progressing. [:
Can anyone join me?! ):
If not very lonely leh...
Cause swimming gonna be on July! And wear swimmin costume so
Honestly, gonna run and swim for June.
Want is to diet until 45kg! ;)
Heehee :D