11:59 PM Thursday, May 8, 2008

Acutally, this post was supposed to be given to Sheryl. It will be short and simple. (:
But im still thinking to write or dont write... aiyoooh.
NVM. Just write lah. (: But it will be in black (black.) (:
Sheryl auntie ah! Can dont suddenly call me not ah? Very scary leh. xP I was shivering when you call me lah. AHLAMA!
But end up, your voice is damn cute lah! wahahahahah! ((:
Kayy, you called me cause your alone. (: NVM.
Cause made me not that afraid of you. (: Thats GOOD right?!
Just dont care about "them" kay?! They just... aiyah. Take them as Donald Duck can liao lah. (: Trust me, you'll laugh.
Not THEM. ;D
Isn't that COOL?! Then they will be thinking,"Siao? We laugh ending up you laugh?" UHHHH! Then they will stop liao. (:
Your character ah? Aiyoo! Like slow pork like this. xD Do things slow everything also slow. Luckily, i know you're a slow person.
If not i'll be disturbing you from morning to night. Make sure you wouldn't get a sleep! ;PP
But good point of you in character is-->
GOOD dayee.
GOOD friend.
GOOD person.
The word "GOOD" will never never ends! Haha. (: Isn't that good?!

Kay, i wrote this cause im damn bored! (: And i have nothing to do.
Done blogskin, done posting, done checking my friendster and etc. Then what else can i do? ><>NOT sleep or eat please! heheh.
Should just end here. (: BUHHBYEEES! No other reasons for writing or whatever lah. HAHA! (:
Slowly, i'll write everyone in when im bored.
So if sheryl, you want to read, tell me. (:
I'll copy for you. ;P hehheh.

Continued at 12.30a.m.
As i was bored, i went to my blog. And saw me and Sandra the picture. I wanted to add something.
So i went and login to photobucket. I anyhow press and i saw this retarded picture.

WTH lah. I was like laughing to myself. ;DD
Kayy! i cant find the thingy i want lah! And i dont want to use friendster's one.
Cause friendster this few days keep having Maintenance. Its like so what the hell loh. Having problems going in . ><>NEVER even studied for mid-years.
Afraid of him tomorrow. )):
But i honestly, cant cant cant stand him like this. He can't stand me i also cant what. So, i just showed my attitude. ;x
Said before, if i cant stand someone, the person will be DEAD! (:
Most angry one with my father was this.

One day, went and see Joelle. So her eyes can open le. Then that day had body massage.
So, i went home dad was just eating rice with soup. He dont ususally do that.
So i asked him he said he sick. So i was like... ;O
Then i keep saying Joelle's eye is so damn big.
Then you know whats his reply??!! :@

Your mid-year results come out my eyes bigger!
I was like WTF?! 好好的就要弄成这样!"

Seriously! Me and my sister was like looking at each other and walked into our own rooms.
Where got people like this de? Happy become sad. ==!!
Mother siding Dad cause she also thinks i never study. I admit i never, but a little is better than NOTHING!
Fine lah! Prove it to you all i can get good results for my following exams! :@@


Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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