YIPEEEE! Im so damn
There's two reasons. (: A very very
GOOD reasons.
First: Exams are over and parents can stop nagging at me asking me to revise!
Second: Jolene,Tifflin and Sandra made my day so
wonderful. (Thanks girlfriends!)
Math paper 2 was average. (: Should be okay lah hoh? ;DD
Kay, after exams, sat bus 10 to tampines mall.

But went to eat first. Went to CS to eat first then its time to waste our energy playing..! ;P
After eating went to toilet cause they need to have the toilet. If not.. OMG!

Jolene love taking photos in toilets. .___.
Then went into one shop. And saw this cute ring. Me, Sandra and Tifflin bought the pokka dots but different colours. (:

Jolene dont like the
HOT pink so she just take a ring which is different from us. xD last picture in CS

After our shopping there, went to TM. Go there just to take neoprints you know? Jolene wanted to take what. So.. Yah.
At last, we forgetten that the neoprnt shop had close. So we decided to head to Bugis.
Went there by MRT.
Kayyy. We are
crazy inside and people ar looking at US. But.. Who cares?!
So.. taken photos. Tifflin taken pictures.

She take us le. Should repay, take her back. haha. Scroll down pleaseee. ((:
WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!Saw this man ah, keep taking picture leh. Maybe because of how i sat? But inside i wore pants lah! ==!!
So i sit properly. But he still taking leh. I become damn pek cek. I went and take photos back also. But im not that pervertic as HIM!

Lookat the red lines i've drew. Its him and his handphone!
I just take 2 of him only. Whahahaha! Cause i dont inspire him or whatever lah. So yah lah.
This is how i scold,"看什么看啦?看自己的屁股啦。脱光光去拍啦!"
I just shouted out leh. Then Jolene was like laughing. I went and tell Tifflin i dont know her. HAHA. (:
Tifflin wanted to go 77 streets. This unglam pic is taken.

Sandra had been looking at her lgs. So lets look at OUR legs!

Im beside sandra.
Finally, reach. Head to neoprints shop. Taken damn LOADS of photos lah.
But before taking. they want make hair nice nice. ==!!

Sandra doing the ah la ma style. haha. ;DD

Sandra and ME! <3

We're so crazy.
Then i randomly take photos of them.

After taking,we walk walk. Saw this which made us laugh.

Alex love June?! WTH?! Wahahahahaha!
I went home first cause my contact lenses ar damn dry. ;D Hehehehe!
Neoprints taken. (: This i what i have lah. Rest, is given to, Jolene,Sandra and Tifflin.

Wish you guys know who is who. ;D hehheh.
Thanks guys for the wonderful day you've given me. ;D