7:22 PM Sunday, May 4, 2008

KABOOO! Im back from studying!
But i didn't really study lah! I was drwing my textbooks and paper which i always do it when i dont feel like studying.
I studied a little for science and maths. I know its little. But for me, alot liao leh. Better then nothing!
NEHNEHNIPOOPOO! I know im being childish. But thats me! hehheh. ;D
Let you guys see what i had done to my paper and textbook! Haha.
I wrote something on my calculator too. (: hehheh.

Science time!

Math time! (:
I take water then make until the paper. Quite nice leh! ;D haha. Im so retarded lah! I know

Credits to JAIMENG©
My first art piece. xP
I went through folders in my laptop and saw my cousin folder and saw this damn funny picture of dogs. xD

Isn't it funny and cute?! I wish you guys think so! (: Cause the owner of the blog thinks so. ;D so you must be the same as her! KAYYY?
Thats the end of my post. x3

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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