YAY! Im blogging noww! ;D
Currently talking to Jolene and Amanda. (: They made me not bored while waitig for tat lady sheryl!! She very slow loh. Like auntie. ;xx
Anywys, today after geog exams went parkway libaray. Played wth computer. ;D See some people that you all shouldn't know.xD
Haha. Im currently also damn bored loh! Nothing to do? Let you all see my last year neoprint now on my phone. Haha.

Thats how i look like in P6. xD
I told you im sorry then why can't you jut accept it and be a more forgiving person? which is damn easy to be lah!
You know its dam hard fr me to always say sorry to you if you dont change your temper? I just never acompany you awhile only leh.
Must you be angry until dont talk to me? Just make ths easier for me lah!
I really had enough leh. Im getting tired,. Aftr one i get another one again! What to do sia?
JUST FUCK OFF lah! You're getting me angry one day!
Just please please stop this nonsense and silly thing!
Why cannot be hapy together be friends? Why mnust be so angry when i never accompany with you?
Whats the point sia?
Dont chnge i got nothing to say! ;@@