10:36 PM Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yeah! Jaime i POSTING! ;D Isn't it great? Hehheh.
Today school at netball court i get a conselling paper AGAIN!
I was wondering whats wrong with me loh? I got no problem okayy?! I was so crazy when i get it lah. I was running up and down saying," yesterday never go. Today get again!"
Then i become damn sad lah. Then i saw one techer talking to Mr Pung.
Jolyn said," maybe give wrong people."
Then teacher walk to me and said,Give wrong people.
I was clapping my hand after she taken away the paper. People beside and behind was laughing at me.
And didn't expect it was given to Jaime from 101. I was laughing. She say thank you to me nehh! ;D
HAHA. Sorry!! ;D
I keep thinking of that handsome boy lah! Why must he be so hansome lah!
Okay, i think should stop lahhh ;D


Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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