10:05 PM Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today was English exam. I think its quite okayy lah!
Not hard. Passage A was way too easy.
Passage B was average. xDD
But, anyways, after paper one had break. Then the canteen was full of people annd my own class tables was occupied by the upper sec.
FINE lah! They bully! They just look at us like they're very big! I know their age big! So OLD! But old ain't a nice thing to show off about lah.
And your other parts ain't as big as ours! So upper sec please get it lah! (: GET WHAT I MEAN? I bet stupid people will also get it.
Then lesser people was getting off. Which is a positive sign(+). Then when i talk to natalie about reading i didn't notice SHERYL.
Then when i talk half way, SHERYL just turn and i was like FREAK?!

SHERYL! Im damn sacred of you now!

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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