7:04 PM Monday, April 21, 2008
Im here to POST again!
School was okayy.
Only thing is that tomorrow is like english exams. And im like not progressing in my work.
I never even studied cause i dont feel like and i dont have the feel to do. So thats the reason for not progressing for anything.
Not my fault. Yet i can still stare at the screen of my laptop doing my blog. So pathetic.
Also, today's assembly was damn nice. Thought it was bored cause we saw the consellours.
They had a dialouge speeh today. And was about the suggestions of what our's what we want to change and why we cant change loh.
Then when they show our class one was like so rubbish lah. THANKS TO June! We said to paint the school colourful. WTH rights?
The consellours ask our class what colours we want.
And imagine our school with coulourful colours.
Cause the school said the traditional of ours is red and black. ==!! Okayy..
So our class was like,"Who the hell say this one?" At last found was June. HAHA.
Embarrassed ourselves. xDDD
We also said to make the hall bigger and etc.
Then after evything, we have those students to come up and say other things they disagree with.
Was funny lah! Dont bother to type here lah.
Cause my hand is damn pain and i dont know why lah. ;D
Haha, no offends sheryl.
Writing it BIG. Haha. Yeah! I want YOU to see it!