3:17 PM Thursday, April 17, 2008

HAHA. Yesterday went to doctor.
Cause morning my degree went up damn fast.
39.6 degree.
Then i went home didn't went for choir casue i got no more voice to sing.
Also, have sore throat.
Then went home and see my temp again. Was 39.3 degree.
Go clinic was 39 degree.
Doctor said quite high then i laugh. Then the doctor was so damn handsome loh.
He also very kind and good leh.
Im like addicted to him!! xD
I told him can i dont have tablets.
He laugh and said,"You can't sollow?"
Then i nod my head.
Went home eat medicine and sleep until today. Means i slept for one whole day.
Also mean that i didn't go to school today! xD
Cause was damn sick and my throat was so damn pain when i drink water or whatever.
Then the cough medicine made me sleepy.
One day eat 3 times.
I can like just sleep the whole day.
Anyway, i try not to sleep even i ate.
They also gave me sweet for sore throat.
Strawberry was so nice!! xD
Anyway, i want to do D&T homework liao.
Tomorrow must pass up leh. D;
You see i so miserable.
Tomorrow still got Lit test loh. ):
BYES. I needa rest! ;D

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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