I look at this photos & i started laughing very badly. All of us not ready & look at our actions & reaction. Damn funny
lah! Jolene
Seah look very toot. Amanda look constipated. I look... lost.
fridays is always my favourite day cos there's nothing much to study & the time pass fast.
xD Though the starting of the day is like all studying, but its those lesson that i can nuisance around./
English period was quite funny. Morning i was hyper for don't know what reason. Tap
Jorah & faster run back to my sit & pretend it wasn't me. She turned around & look at
Munah smiling.
Jorah very
guai de. So i make her again. & still clueless it was me. Then i go find Ley Fang. She's someone who is nice & kind i should say. :] A counsellor. Mrs
Goh stared at me & ask me why i
don't want to sit at my own place. June told her,"their butt stick together
liao!" Mrs
Goh was speechless for a moment. Then Crista told her what Mrs
Ng tell her. SO
PLEASEEEEEEEE. There's no need for her to tell right... Must be
humble!!!!! Mrs
Goh ask me sit at Rachel's place. I leave Ley
Fang unwillingly.
HAHAHA! Kidding la. Quite fun to sit at Rachel's place also! Can bully Jolene. Mrs
Goh preview the summary that she done to let us copy. She said her own handwriting so nice. I shouted,"
Eeee! So ugly!" Her reaction was like... O.O Like pretend to act very angry. Then she was
sayingsayingsaying, i shout again."Mrs
Goh! You very auntie
leh!" Mrs
Goh thought is June say. I faster hide end up she still found out it was me. :/ But the main point is, her reaction damn funny!!!!!
Next lesson, GEOG. Boring. Mrs
Lim keep shouting at us cos we're not paying attention.
Lol. She's doing a revision & say it
impt cos whatever she go through & some question that she told us will be out for the exams. Please
lah, of course la. If not you teach for what
sia? But i didn't care. She go through
wookbook, i fall asleep for 20min. Damn
shiok man. The class
coldcold some more.
Hahah!!! When gonna greet the teacher
Tifflin wake me up.