10/8/2009Suppose to be a study day, however, it become play more than study. Not gonna talk so much about it cos i think i forget most of the things that happened. We ordered Mac Donald. After eating, Amanda & i somehow had chilli fight. Amanda thought the chilli the packet wasn't open, she throw on me & i have chilli all over my body. PATHETIC. I went up, washed my hair only. Amanda helped me wash. Hooho. Then we playplayplay, study. Tifflin went home, Kayxi came. Then we stopped studying already. Hahah!!!! End up, we play loh. Thats the end of the day.
11/8/2009Contact Time Mr Pang scolded us again. Walao, i was damn pissed!!!!! :@ Its not even truw lah what he heard from that fat ass. -.- Lit had Geog test. I memorise so much things but i didn't wrote it down!!!! Walao, damn sad lah! :( I hope i can do well for geog cos i put in a lot of afford into it. PW other groups do presentation. Aiyah, sit with Leona & Alicia can
NEVER shut up! Hahah. xD After recess is English. Damn fun man! I was quite high at that period of time. I shout here & there that Mrs Goh keep saying me. Then she call our chinese name all out of tune de! Was making noise, then Mrs Goh suddenly called my name,"Jing Wen!" I got a shock & i was stun for a moment. Watched the show i want to watch alot!!! So sad lah. :( Science, Mrs Ho is back. But i think the lesson is still the same. Damn boring lehhhhh. IT learn photoshop. Hahah! FUNNN. :] After school, went parkway with Kayxi. Ate subway & then walk around. I GOT MY SPONGEBOB FILE. (: Kayxi buy for me! Hoho. Went to Kiddy Palace. Look at that Lim Kayxi.

Cute hor? Kayxi love it. Lol.

She look damn funny when she carry this bag man...
Then i want go Isetan. Lollol! Walked around, we look at bras too. Kayxi started sticking her leg out to make me trip. I did trip & she laughed at me. I do it back to her & she trip too. We started laughing. She wanted to make me but i notice. So i was like,"I become clever le! ;)" End up, she make i trip. *paiseh* I wanted to make her but not in the correct time so she know i want to make her. DAMN PAISEH. All the way long we've been playing like this & a lot of paiseh stuffs happen to me. Stay in school a while & went home at 6plus.
12/8/2009Exercise dance loh. PC i was reading my lit. Hahah. English lesson was Lit CA. The first question i stuck already. Hahah!!! I was like... How to do? I anyhow write the points down. :X Opss!!!! After recess was chinese. 201 & 202 change class. Lol. I wanted to sleep during chinese lesson. Then Math. Pay attention. Cos exam coming this friday & some question i dont get it. Lol. Geog i was paying attention too. Writing notes, listening. & i'm liking Geog more & more. I dont know why. After school waited for Kayxi. While waiting for her i studied & do my homework. I FINALLY UNDERSTAND SCIENCE!!!! OH YES MAN!!! Damn happy. Then drawdrawdraw. 7plus go home. THATS ALL. BYE!