11:02 PM Saturday, August 8, 2009
Morning, wake up still very tired. So i was kinda blur la.

Shower finish, daddy bought me bee hoon. Every week he buy that for me man. Damn nice. Eat finish, drink milo. Even more full. Left house. Bowling had game again. I first time strike man! Playplayplay. Went parkway with Tifflin to see her eat lunch. However i end up wanting to eat also. Went home around 1plus. Daddy bought me Nasi Lemak. WOWWW!

How to eat sia? Scared Daddy scold, so i force it in. Eat few mouths, faster throw it away liao. *guilty* Showered & felt damn tired. I promise myself i have to study. End up, i read through my science notes, i fall asleep. Too tired. I slept for 2hrs plus. Wake up, see maid kill the crab. I find it so curel.

My maid poke the crab's eyes leh! Then the crab come out water. But haven die yet. She cannot kill, she go pour hot water. I stopped her & say,"Tita, no!!!!!" She say,"AIYAH. Cannot die la later." She poured & i was like AHHHHH. :( Had hard time to kill the crab. Poke the stomach also have die. Damn scary & find myself so bad. Try not to eat crab next time though i like it alotalot.

Dinner time i ate the crab. Its damn nice. The nicest of all that my maid made. Damn sweet. BUT i still feel bad eating it. Heh. Today dinner eat for 1h. Eat finish crab, eat Mangosteen(dont know how to spell). Eat finish, my father cut 2 papaya, guava & dragon fruit. I was like,"DADDY! You crazy ah! Very full liao leh."
Daddy said,"Aiyah, fruits good for health! Can keep away from h1n1."
I said,"DADDY, you talk rubbish."
Daddy said,"You dont know la!!!!"
Wthell la. Eat finish, damn full liao. Watch tv, see videos. Thats all about my boring & meaningless day. -.-