*Not all is uploaded due to laziness & tiredness*
Then i fall asleep until reach school. Went home immediately & thats all.
5/8/2009Exercise learn Chinese dance. Primary 1 to 6 i in Chinese dance, but never seen any steps like what I've been taught... Lol, but just learn laaaa. PC kena lecture by Mr Pang. Say what, noise level is getting worse. Attitude is getting worse. Results are also getting worse & ask we want to be the nosiest class is it & he continue blabbering. -.- English period was taken over by Health Check. LOL. Need to take out clothes laaaaaaaaaaa. My backbone curve two degree. The person ask me do more sit-ups. I hate sit-up the most, sooooo... I WON'T DO IT!!! :D Recess time, Meiyee & Kayxi sat on our table again. This time round, weirdddddd! I sat beside Meiyee. I feel so... FUUNNYYY. Lol. She burp loudloud after she eat same as me accept she said excuse me. My turn to eat finish, i burp. She spitted on rice the noodles & blah. DISGUSTINGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwww. I swear i'll never sit beside her AGAIN. MT!!! Had CA. Lol, 201 had exam with us. Quite easy la. Not sure about how much i can get though. Math kinda boring la. Geog, paying attention cos i sat in front. HAHAH. After school had choir. Quite okay laaa. End, wait for Kayxi to come back. Then went netball court play. I don't want play netball so i find Joyce & Azida to go merry-go-round with me. Hold hands & spin. With Azida okok. First round with Joyce not that fast. Second round, was fun & i fell on my butt & hands. Spin to hard liao then when Joyce let go, i go back go back go back & i fall. I laughed at myself & of course, Kayxi, Azida & Joyce laugh. AIYERRR. 6.45 sit bus & went home. (:
6/8/2009Not a really fantastic day for me... :/ Music! Finally last lesson le. Damn boring la. Done my clip alr also. Geog was boring. I think i was doing funny stuffs too & thinking about stuffs too. Math, had new topic. Don't understand so i keep walking around. HA HA. Recess, Kayxi & Meiyee sat with us again. Didn't sit beside Meiyee cos she was standing up. LOL. After recess, wowwww. Damn sad siaa.
30min of wetness, 30min of swollen(for me only). Got back Chinese paper. Over 50, i got 36 1/2 only. Not really happy with it though. Next was Lit. Sat in front so i was paying attention but was sosososososo tired that i want to fall into a beautiful sleep. Was sitting shaking my leg, suddenly Mrs Ng squeeze in with me to sit while teaching. She gave me a shock. Tifflin they all laughed at me. LOL. Next was Scienceeeeeeeeeeee. AHHHHHHHHHHH. Boring. I listen to songs through earpieece. Lawlsssss. Then was doing my own stuff again. End of school got choir. Warm up for quite long. One of the warm up songs was niccceeeeeee! Damn funny loh Mr Liew. Was tired after warm-ups. Begin with our songs & soon end of lesson. Went home immediately. Now, i want to sleep. Very tired. Hope the coming 3days will not be soo... dead.... BYE.