9:53 PM Thursday, July 16, 2009
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm fucking bloody piss! She told me its only one day! NOW, its two days lah. Wtf lah. Yesterday you said its only today!!!! Then now i have one more day to last!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHH! I can just die! Arghhhh!!! I should calm down. AHHHHHHHHHH! Fuck lah! I can't lah. Cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :@After 13minI somehow calm down seeing my swollen big fat toe!!!! Should talk about it later on! Okay, yesterday(15/7/2009), Tifflin really fall sick. She tire herself alr. So sad to see her like this. & im sitting with people who are sick this few days. First is Amanda. Now Tifflin! AHHHH! Anw, english lesson was funny! Mrs Goh was trying to explain then she ask Munnahwarah to come out. Munnah don't want & take quite a long time to go to the front. Then when Mrs Goh step one step, Munnah step back on step cos Mrs Goh want to explain how do police search the body. Then finally Munnah stop moving, Mrs Goh touch her she feel ticklish. Lol, make me laugh like some shit! Blahblahblah. End of school, ate lunch in school & headed to Tifflin's house. I went for her grandma's funeral. I didn't cry!!! :D Cos i wasn't shocked. From far dist, i can see the grandma in the coffin alr. My grandma one was so deep & when i lean my body downwards, i wasn't ready & gave me a shock. Sad & shock & i cried. Lol. But mummy comforted me. (: 3plus left & went home. Go home, i fall asleep. Hahah. Thats the end.
16/7/2009I wake up, bathe & i fall asleep on my bed. When wake up, i haven even tie my hair & its 6.49am alr! I suppose to meet Xingwen at 6.50!!! I chiong out & we was almost late for school. Chiong up to class cos gonna sing National Anthem liao. Then had a bad cramps. Lollol. Class wasn't as fantastic without Tifflin & Kayxi. D: Tifflin beside me i always bully her de. NowAmanda sit beside me. First period, Music. I was sleeping. ;X Was freaking tired. Geog, teacher never come. (: So i was like sleeping lah. Math was alright. After recess was chinese. Mrs Peggy Tan probably in a good mood. Noreen fall on Tuesday. Peggy her leg & hand come menses. Lol. & other things. Others find it funny, but i dont. I find it lame & i just smiled. -.- Followed was Lit. I wasn't paying attention. :S As usual de lah. Then was Science. Walao, damn sian sia. I WANT BACK MR LIM!!!!! His 19999999995646546548686746854168468 times better than Mrs Buey(?). I good girl do my Theory book loh. SCHOOL END! FINALLY MAN! I'm waiting for this time to come. Went bbt shop with Xingwen & Sonia & headed back home. Reach home, watch tv & fall asleep for like 3h. Hahah, so nice to sleep. Wake up, im like getting ready to get down the bed. Then i stand, i can't feel like whole leg & i just immediately fall on the floor & my toe is injured. I sat on the floor for quite long cos my toe was too pain. I break out in cold sweat. I tried to get up with the help of the walls & sat on my bed to wait for my leg to be ok. Then i thought ok alr, i stand up my knee just don't work. So i fall on my bed. I tried walking & i was limping difficultly. Sit on the sofa & look at my super
red toe. It hurts for 30plus min. & okay alr but i can't walk. I need to slide on the floor. Show my toe to my sister & maid, they laughed like some crazy people!!!! Argh.

Can you all see the difference? Cannot see, go school i take out let you all see. xD

Close up.
I'm wondering how to walk to school & wear shoeeeeee!!! Can i dont go school!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Told daddy & he say you know why? Cos you keep eating KFC, air-con too cold & blah! WTHELL. His always saying this. Once i'm injured, sick or whatever, he will blame all this. Whats this man. He ask me go see doctor but i told him dont need. Lollol. Hope tomorrow will be fine.