Morning, my whole leg can't feel anything again. However, this time round, I'm smarter than yesterday!!! Instead of standing immediately which i usually do whenever i wake up, i put my both leg on the floor & see if i feel anything not. Hahah. Then when i get ready to leave the house, my maid was like,"How you gonna wear your shoe?"
Me: Slowly loh.Maid: How you gonna walk? Don't go school lah!Me: Don't want lah. Go lah.-Wearing shoe-Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Pain pain pain. Tita, how?!
Maid: Wear slippers?Me: Don't want lah. Paiseh. Scared teacher scold.Maid: Then how?
Me: Aiyah! Nvm lah! Just bear with it. AHHHH. Pain!!! -Eyes was watery already-After like 10 min, finally it went in. I walked slowly like a grandma & request from Xingwen to meet at my bus stop instead of hers cos i injured my toe. Meet her, i was walking very slowly thought I'm like walking on the road. I just can't walk fast, if not it hurt like bloody hell/. I have difficulty going up the overhead bridge & going down the stairs. It was 7.18am at that time already. So i was trying to walk faster. Reach outside gate, teacher say 1more min before you're late! I was like, WHAT?!!! Ask Xingwen to help me hold my file while i hold on to the side of the stairs. Then they say,"School stand." I chiong & was too late. Reach outside class, National Anthem start already. I use my right leg too much, then it was so pain. So i squat down. Walk into class Mr Pang ask me what happen to me. I told him what happen & i felt so paiseh!!!! Jolene sat with me & i take out my shoe & socks. People see my toe, they are either laughing or eee-ing. Gloria Ng go down help me take ice. Thanks Gloria! ;D I was hopping in class like some crazy women. I keep looking at my toe. I even took a picture of my toe in class. ;x

My front toe swollon.

Side of the toe become purple.

Back of the toe also purple liao.
Recess time, went down people was like,"Walao, can you don't block the way." Wthell lah. Next time they injure i also say that to them. FUCK LAH YOU LAH. Make me rush down & make my toe pain nia. Ass. Chinese lesson do our own stuff. IT was copying then can do our own stuffs. Sonia we all bullied Amanda & she got so piss off. Reading, i was too tired to hop, so i just walk in class bare footed. Once i walk, Amanda will laugh. I resemble a teacher, not gonna say. xD Leg was so dirty, went toilet to wash it with the help of Leona, Gloria Ng & Noreen. Then my shoe was wet & they laughed at me. I hop, but was too tired. So Noreen piggyback me for like less than 10sec & she cannot liao. :( What to do? Hop loh. Science lab was friggin hot. Yearning for 1.45 & the bell will ring. Finally, it rang. Walk to bbt shop with Noreen & Xingwen. I walk damn slow so they also walk slow loh. Thanks uh. Bought food, went up the bus. Get down the bus, i throw rubbish, they forget about me & walk so fast. So i shout to them,"EY! WAIT FOR MEEEEEE!!!!!"
Noreen & Xingwen: OHHH! I forget liao.
& they just laugh & walk off again. ==" Slowly walk back home alone & people was staring at me. Argh. Reach home, i complain to my Tita about my foot & it was even more purple & she was like,"AIYOH!!!! Must eat medicine!" I was like,"WHAT?!!! What medicine?!! Siao uh?!" Hahah, called daddy & he want me to rub it. I bet his insane. He have no idea how bloody pain is my toe. Even the botttom of my toe is green in colour alr leh Hurhur. So pain. Online the whole day. Talk to Noreen & Xingwen & they decided to come my house since we're all bored at home. Hahah. I bully Noreen's hamster. LOL. 7plus they go tuition. Now, I'm all alone. Sister went out. :/ Sigh. Tomorrow got bowling. Cannot bowl, only can see. NOT FUN!!!!! Haiyah, tomorrow got tuition also. How to walk?!!!