7:55 PM Thursday, July 2, 2009
Today is probably the most tired of the day since school reopens. Morning, sit cab to Kayxi's house. She pass me one stack of stuffs. My file & math textbook i left it at her house. However, she give me the two chinese library book to return & Joyce's Math textbook. So heavy. The cab fare, walao. Super ex. Reach school, was somehow very late liao. First period was Music. Walao, watch the video until i fall asleep 5-8 times. Freaking boring & worse still, i'm
tired!!! Music finally over! Walao, i reach class, which is goeg period, i slept. Hahah, geog is damn boring lah. Math time! Got quiz. Luckily i know how to do. Hope can get high marks. :D Recess time was just eating & blah. Lol. MT had group work. Better than boring lah. Hahah! After that is Lit! Lit usual. But now i think Lit is more fun now cos i like the story. 12.15 left class & eat lunch cos have to go the Sciene Busking. Eat with Mr Lim. Hahah! He gave us $80 for the taxi fare. Wooooooo! Cab there. I actually decided to sleep, but we end up camwhoringgggggg. So, never sleep. Lol.

My friends. Lol.

Hahah, i dont know why i did that...

Amanda & Tifflin. Loves.


Me, Amanda & Tifflin. :]

I'm bloated.





Was actually sleeping. Saw them take, i go be extra & when they saw the photo, they laughed. xD Hahaha.


Reach Science Centre, have the scan thingy also. Lol, was so cool. :] However, we reach there too early. Like 1.35? Then we go eat ice-cream.

Tifflin & me gonna buy the ice-cream.
Eat finish, go toilet. Go inside again. Amanda got red red when she pass by the scan. She must stand under the fan. Hahah!!!! Tsktsk. Went inside & start the workshop. There's this guy who come & sit beside me is retarded! He talk to himself & laugh damn badly. Suddenly, he beat the sofa & talk to me. I got a shock. Amanda laughed at me. D: Then the demostrating of how to make our performances more fun was damn funny. (: Not gonna say much. One word for it, great. Then had tea break. After that was another talk about experiment. Amanda, Tifflin & me was half dead. We wanted to sleep! Other teams are all so daring & enthu. But not us. We're like all lying on the sofa. Hahah. Finally finish, we left Science Centre & cab to school. Now i think i need to do my Lit poster. :/ Sigh. I'm tired. Shall end. Anw! People! If possible, 10-12 July go Science Centre to vote for our busking!!! :D Thanks!