After that start off with our work a little. Total work we've done was just... 4/10(including Lit project)!!!! Science Competition is this Friday, yet we're not doing anything!!! AHHHHH! *screamssssssss!* Then sms Mr Lim & ask him for some help. Wish can complete by tomorrow!!!! If not, dieee! End up, Amanda & Jolene playing iGallop. Tifflin talk on the phone. I very good, i do my chinese homework. From No. 35 to No. 45 alr! WOOOOOOOO! Aim to finish it by tomorrow! Which is until No. 80!!!!! D: Then they play with my webcam & take photo & take video. Lollol. Went down & camwhore a little. (: Photos with Tifflin, will post it up some day! Go up, mother say want follow us to dinner alsoo. I was like.... Then faster!!!!!!!! Mother shower very long de. Hahah! Gambled a little. Won money! Yayyyyyyy! Wait from 6 to 7plus for mother. -.- Damn freaking long lah please. Finally ok liao, cab to parkway! 2taxi! Lol! Eat steamboat. Sibei full uh!!!!!!!!!!! While walking to popular, i was so freak out & scared. Scared until my head is spinning. Popular close, walk back to parkway to go evergreen! Then i got even more freak out cos i walked alone! Amanda & sister dump me alone!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :( Go evergreen bought pens since everything also mother pay! HAHAHAHAHA! Saw small cards that we like, bought it! :D Tifflin buy for me one! THANK YOUUUUU! :D At ameba bought loads of cards! Mother today gave me loads of tip so i was like spending it anyhowly! Then card one quite ex some more lah! 1 is for teacher de! Another 3, for someoneeeeeeeee! (: After that, went home. Now so boring lah. That stupid Tifflin haven send me photos. WALAO! Damn pekcek. Xingwen saw my plurk & find out i gonna be alone she decided to come my house to swim!!!! :D Before that do homework lah! Amanda maybe coming! Hope she can! (: