10:48 PM Friday, May 8, 2009
Woo! Long time never blog already cos of exams. Have no time for blogging or whatever. However, its Friday! Common, a break day for me already. SO, i shall use the day given to blog about what had happen the past few days. The days i never blog, I've been with Joyce, Melissa & Kayxi. Lol, i see them like... Everyday in school. Haha. However, i just gonna have a short briefing about past three days(including today) though i think i cannot remember a single thing. Haha, but who cares? xD
6/5/2009Science paper!!! & i found out two mistake that i shouldn't make!! I'm freaking sad lah. I don't think i can get A1 for Science liao. ): Sigh. Stayed back. Studied, played & talked. Until we get bored, decided to go void deck which is near Joyce's house. This day, Nicole Chan was with us. (: Then they played catching, the kindergarden game, while i listen to music. Haha, too bored, so i went to play around at the playground. & Kayxi found out when i lie, when i don't lie. SHIT! Next time cannot lie liao. Joyce piggyback Melissa, Kayxi piggyback me & see who can get up the highhigh steps(?). Kayxi & i cheat, & shit, we've been caught cheating!!!! Aiyer! Shit lah. I began to laugh my ass off cos Joyce's eyes the two side kena mosquito bite or something. The way she scratch it, made me laugh badly. & she see my laughing, she laughed even louder, her laughter is damn funny lah. xD Then Kayxi was like playing Melissa's phone or something? I don't know. I begin taking photos of people. (: First, begin with Melissa's photo. :D That pretty freak.

Look at her!!!

Melissa Ribbon. :X HAHAHA!
Small head,
BIG body. (:
Now, Joyce's turn.

Her looks like kena force to take loh though the fact is that i forced her to take & smile. xD I asked every single one to do that. HAHA! xD Nicole's turn.

Nicole Chan, the way you sit like coffee shop lao ah pek leh!

What are you looking at!!! People's messages? :D Orh hor!!!
Kayxi's turn. She smiled, but never look at the camera!!!! CHEH.

I bet she's playing game. Or maybe not? :S

So engross sial...

Kayxi was thinking who drew on her shoe. HAHA!!! xD & she enjoy wearing Melissa's spec.

OHHH! I saw Kayxi's teeth! She's smiling so big cos she said, "i gonna smile until you take away the camera." HAHA!

& know what?!!! She smiled even bigger for me. Or maybe not, AGAIN... Omg, I'm so good in making up stories like this though some are true. (: Now, Melissa & Kayxi. :D Both so engross de loh.

Melissa teaching Kayxi how to play. xD

What they looking at? Porn?!!!! Ewwww! Haha, kidding. :D

Haha, close up. (:
Then Melissa was so scared of her mother, she keep asking,"So can we go back to school now?" She's the one who want to go void deck & yet, the one wanting to go back to school. Haha. But before we leave, Joyce, Kayxi & i taken photos. :D Family photo. But i never upload into the lap. :X Haha. Then we go back school, we go netball court to play soccer. I act cool go kick the ball, but so light. :X Then my leg can fly till so high de leh. Melissa was the catcher. Pick up balls. xD She took out her shoes & when the ball went onto the grass, she didn't notice its muddy, she sit into it & she went around the netball court running to make her socks dry. She's damn funny lah. :D Nicole & i goalkeeper. Wah, Joyce most of the time play soccer, a better soccer player. But know whose the one who hit until me???!!! LIM KAYXI. The ball hit my chest & two times on my leg. Lol, but nvm. Sports, sure get injured or hitten. I didn't blame her for it though. (: Talked a while & went back at 6plus.
7/5/2009History Paper---> Never study--->Hard---->Fail---->Prepared---->Don't care.
Haha, the process of the History paper & blah(?). I never study for History, its hard, so sure will fail. So I'm fully prepared to fail, however,
idontcare! :D Cos i know no matter how hard i study, i still gonna failfailfail. -.- SIGHHHHH. ;P Stayed back Joyce & Melissa. We stayed to wait for Kayxi's oral. THEN, we decided to go parkway when Kayxi is having her oral. :] Walked around & blah. Went back to school, tried to study Lit. Haha. 2plus, Joyce go home. Left Melissa, Kayxi & i. We tried to study, but we're too tired. Kayxi keep taking my unglam lah! AIYER. Melissa WANTS to play catching alot. Sighhh. I be the catcher. I so lazy to play lah. AIYER. -.- Blahblahblah, went home at 5plus & chiong for Lit. xD
8/5/2009Lit paper was alright. But its so tired to write 4essays in one go. So i keep daydreaming, stare here & there. Haha. Paper over, went Parkway thanks to Joyce Foo. -.- Joyce with her friends, so Kayxi & i go into parkway. Called Amanda to check out where she is. She's in Diva buying present for her Mother's Day. Haha, i haven even think of what to give my mummy, so i plan not to give. Heh. ;D Eat Pastamania. Kayxi & i stolen the spaghetti that they display. HAHA. :X Then walk around for a while. I bought the biscuit i like. Kayxi help me pay. Heh, Kayxi, i'll return you. :D Take photo, Jolene's favourite.

I look all ugly. -.-
Haha, go Libray, talked & blah lah. Then Kayxi & i told Joyce how we know each other. The process of it was damn funny & blah. A message can actually make a bigbig difference. :S Then i keep laughing when i told Joyce how i started talking to Kayxi through sms-es. Hah, funny moment. Nothing really happen next. Just that when its time to go home, Nicole & Kayxi went crazy & high. They keep hitting each other's head & say head & whatever while Kayxi is playing my handphone game that she is ADDICTED to. :S Wthell, i find them so... CUTE. Went home at 5plus when we are suppose to leave at 4. I swear my sister is damn retarded this few days. She's been talking non-stop & making me so pissed. Aiyer, alright, i shall stop blogging cos its 11plus & I'm getting tired thought i slept more than an hour just now. & my hands are tired too.