HELLOHELLOHELLO! Long time no blog! :D Cos i'm lazy, busy, tired &
crazy. (: But now, since its Friday, i shall blog though i want to sleep very much now!!!! Cos the days I'm blogging is meaningful for me! & its something & a day for me to remember. Firstly, let me talk about EMDD day!
22/4/2009A day which is tiring & boring but a meaningful day. :D I woke up kinda late cos i was tired. Haha, yet, i still do my stuffs slowly. I was the second last to reach school. The last one is...
SANDRA YEO LE YING! Haha, she came, but she forget something. Her court shoe! Omg, this is her second time forgetting her court shoes lah! Then she immediately called her mother to bring it for her. Luckily, she was on time!!! :S In the bus, Geraldine was sleeping her ass off like some pig(cos she is a pig). Then so quiet, so i somehow fall asleep too. Haha! Reach the place, Mrs Anne Leong talk to us & we was sent to our changing room. You know other cca's changing room is a
changing room with lights around the mirror & a mirror! Choir had a cafeterian! "WOW"! What a changing room ah! But other cca like dance say they want. Choir too big group of people. After changing, start make-up. & the leaders say we MUST bun our hair. Mr Liew said it was free & easy! But... yah! Go eat lunch. The food sucks! I eat 2 mouth, i throw it away. But Debrah was hungry? She help me eat!! HAHA! Then Geraldine felt sick. When we gonna perform very matinee show, she sick. She never perform loh. Went home. Wow, the matinee one, you know whose the audience? Our school audience only! Its like so empty. Sing like meaningless de. So choir seems not to sing well for the matinee one. After that, all the way long i was rotting. Its freaking boring lah i tell you!!!! ARGH! Then when its open curtains, choir was rushing!!!! We was informed late.. Finally, the matinee one is over. So now have to get ready for the night one. Probably i was TOO boliao, i go toilet wash away my make-up. Haha, went back & draw again. I anyhow put make-up de. xD End up, choir's venue changed. We went down the basement. I don't know what they take choir as sial... -.- The night show was damn freaking long lah. The time pass so slow. Then we was talking, eating, playing & etc. Finally, its time! Waited for CO behind the stage. I like CO's second song. I hear le, i will start dancing! Hahahah. xD Next, our turn. Alot of people ah!!! Night's performance was so much better than Matinee one! We sing finish, Mrs Goh go around telling us,"Girls, you all did a great job!" Lol, choir do show off at certain point!!!! :D Then AGAIN, waittt!!!!!!! So boring lah. Was talkingtalkingtalking. I went to Phoebe & tell her we want take photo with her. & she's damn cute lah. I suddenly love her.. & i'll miss her when she leave choir. ):

Cute hor our president!!! :D She's slim & her leg is smooth! Even her hands! :D
After that, go find my sectional leader. Take photo with them. (:

Andrea, Sandra, Me, Ziling, Daw, Waiyi & Elaine!
The good & wonderful leaders. :D
I cannot imagine what would happen to Sop 2 without the cool Elaine!!! D:
Then the leaders went crazy! Look at them! Act like raper.

They are damn cute lah! xD & they're so hyper. Then we bullied our president & vice-chair! Which is Phoebe & Big Janice! We asked them to do the ahlian poses. The poses of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 & 16! I taken all the photos, but i shall not post up. Later they know, i dieeeee!! :S We asked Mr Liew some question, he asked us some question. xD FUN! & then found out small Janice was terribly having a high fever. She's shivering like shit & her forehead is damn hot. I touched i was like... WAH! But she's strong, cos of Ms Soo, she force herself to go for the finale. I help her wipe away her tears. I wonder why when people is sick, someone go to the person, will cry de. That happen to me too. :X Finally, its finale! After the dance, its finale. The dances are like panting when they dance finish. & they seems to be graceful on the stage, when they go inside the back stage, they're like gaints. Choir at basement can hair their HEAVY footsteps. Finale, showed video & we started singing songs. Its my blog song. The first 2songs. Second song is our finale song. I swear the first song of my blog, is Ms Soo's favourite song! Ms Soo was shock. Didn't cry de leh. But when curtains close, Ms Soo talked to us, we cried.. :'( I'll miss Ms Soo! She's damn good! Let you pass with flying colours for Geog! I go toilet wash my face. Then go out, i cried again. Cos the leaders are leaving.. ): Sigh. I miss them!!!!!! Then get our wallets & roses. Go out, Janene, Kayxi & Bern gave me a hug. Lol, & went back home. Was tired. Showered & fall asleep.
23/4/2009We can go school at 8.25!! So Kayxi came my house at 6plus. I was still sleeping lah! Hahaha! Then 7plus i go shower & blah. But i was still freaking tired lah. In class, Mrs Goh was tired. The AVA crews in my class ALL never come to school. Some performances never come too. Amanda & i sleep. Mrs Goh didn't scold cos she know we're tired. ): Zzzzzz. The whole day was sitting with Amanda! I enjoy sitting with her. & i keep making her laugh. SO FUN! :D I MISS HER! xD AMANDA TAN! ILOVEYOU!!!!!! Blahblahblah. End of school, bring our books up. Cos we are saying hello to 202. We're back to our classroom! :D Help Tifflin bring the books up cos she never come! SHE HAVE LOADS OF BOOKS!!!! Make our books properly, go Marine Parade Library with Joyce & Kayxi. :D Was laughing here & there. Damn funny lah!! xD I studied! YAY! I help Kayxi do her Science paper. So nice to do! I completed everything for her. :D When i doing, Joyce & Kayxi was sleeping. Lol. Kayxi & i went into the same cubical to pee. SO FUN! :X K, a little crazy lah.. Joyce & Kayxi like showing underwear to me. Damn funny lah their underwear. xD Kayxi took unglam of me. :S Cheh. When we was eating, everyone's mouth was dirty. Then when Kayxi wasn't around, i eat until very messy & Joyce laughed her ass out. Walao! xD So paiseh. 6plus we go home. :] I study my Science & go sleep liaoooooo!
First photo of the day before chinese period.
First period is chinese! I don't know why chinese lessons are getting boringgg! & i hate it. I am just not enjoying chinese lessons like last year anymore. After that was OC, damn boring lah. Talk about Picture Discussion. -.- Then Gloria Ng, Jolene & Leona kena scolding. Lol, end up, Gloria Ng sat with me. xD Then she's like copying my work. xD Recess time, EAT! :D Then had Home Ec. Go to computer lab. Suppose to do our blog, but didn't. Cos the computer don't allow me to go into blogger. So i go my blog listen songs & played games. 1h30min becomes playinggggg!!! :D History i never listen at all. I writing letters. xD Cos i changed my handwriting & i find it so nice to write... :S But also, i long time never write to my friends leeeee!! Haha. English went through Grammar. & ding dong! (: Stayed back for choir to collect our SYF Certificate! AHHHHHHHHHH! I will keep properly the cert man! Then go KCP with Joyce, Melissa & Senjoo. & people i don't know but from KC. Take us more than 30min just to go in lah. Go in was damn bored & extra. I don't even know anything about there & anyone there. :S Wthell. But Kayxi made me go hyper. We're not suppose to go up, but i went up. The Kayxi was so scared. Lol, then some classroom is like outdoor no doors de. I went in & act like a teacher & Kayxi is the student. HAHA! Then walk around. Saw water cooler! I so thristy, so i go drink. But its too short!!! ):

Kayxi take this photo of me. Lollol! KCP contain short people. Then found Joyce they all. Called them & i have more students. Lol, so fun lah! Then was talking. Go Marine Parade Library again. But we go eat. Saw Venus & whoever. Was laughing & blah lah. 7plus reach home. Now i want to sleep! SOOOOO! BYEBYE! :D