大家好!also known as... Hello everyone. Haha, I'm damn high now!!!! HOHO! Kayxi's beside me now & i don't know how to blog. But whatever, i shall just continue blogging as usual. (: Early in the morning, Kayxi come my house. She reach that time, i was brushing my teeth unglamly. :S Haha, then when i go in, Kayxi was making my sister. My sister, wake up. 3people squeeze one bed to sleep. Haha, my niece come in & lie on us. Haha, was playing inside. Then go city plaza eat with Kayxi, Tracia(niece) & her mother. Shared with Kayxi the food. Then go Bedok. Wah, my body occupied siaaaaa! One side, Kayxi sleep. Another side, Tracia sleep on my leg. I cannot move. The mother drive. In the car, look at both of them sleep loh. :S Then go to buy birthday cake. :D In the car, Kayxi want to pee alotttttt! Haha, so i was like making her want to pee
EVEN MORE! :P Go home, Tifflin & Amanda was there. Tifflin gave me my birthday presents. Thank you Tifflin! Its damn niceeeeeeee! (: Iloveitlikehell. Tifflin & Amanda somehow addicted to Joelle uh... But somehow, Joelle dislike Kayxi. Don't know what Kayxi done. Joelle cried & she don't want Amanda & Tifflin to carry in a sudden. Haha, before the party starts, go down to play water.

I want to go down the water SO MUCH. So Kayxi was like.."Can i push you down?" & pomp, I'm in the water already. Damn shiok. Amanda was hesitating to go down or not. Cos of the clothes. I was keep quiet not to tell her about "something" before she go down the water. Kayxi don't have to worry cos she brought everythingggggg. She come to my house prepared.
-Not bad not bad- Just wanting them to get down, i splash water on them. :D & yay, they swim with me. Kayxi piggyback me. I piggyback Kayxi & Amanda. Then was swimming, playing around in the pool. Amanda keep saying," I forget how to swim liao! How to swim ah?" Lollol!!! Then Henry uncle give me chicken wings. Too hot i pass to Kayxi in the pool. Kayxi eat & she feeld Amanda & i. We ate in the pool, so niceeeee. :D Amanda & i did something in the pool. :X Haha. Then Tifflin was back from ShengSiong. Then the guard found out we wear house clothes to swim. HOHO!!! We get up loh. We also had more than a hour of fun. :D Go up to shower with Kayxi & Amanda. BUT, our clothes is on. =) Hah, Amanda & Kayxi keep playing. So i
somehow get the water. HAHA. Then we change our clothes in our room. Tifflin look at our sexy body. (: Went down, eat. :D Then its like alr 6plus. Was thinking should we go or should we not go for tuition. Haha, end up, WE DIDN'T! But i didn't regret it, cos we had loads of freaking funs!! :D We taken photos. (:

Take with the princess first. (:

Kayxi, Me, Amanda & Tifflin. :D