Its coming back... :/
7:15 PM Friday, April 17, 2009
Actually, i don't really remember what had happen for all the days. -.- I just remembered i have choir & Mr Liew never come.
So, from 3 to 4.30 we had Physical Training. I swear its damn tiring. Then its like people have to count & cannot go down.
Push up position just to train our support. & wow, some people are just brainless. Don't know how to do or keep going down.
& we have to redo it again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & don't know how many freaking agains.
& finally, the leaders decided to let us do finish & ask those people to stay that never do properly.
Then singsingsing. 5.10plus let off liao. But Sop 2 was just veryvery weak. So we need to stay back to pratice. Then let off, don't know where is the Kayxi lah.
So Sandra, Nicole from 205, Janelle & i sit on the swing(?). Then suddenly came to cover my eyes, & i don't know who was it.
& who was it? LIM KAYXI. Lollol. Thanks ah Kayxi. Stayed with Joyce, Kayxi & Nicole Chan loh. Then play swing & they eat their stuffs.
Early in the morning, my stomach very pain. I felt like shitting. :S But i didn't. Haha, first period was PC. Rather... bored?
I presented the word "Independence" & yah. English was boring. I FELT LIKE SLEEPING. History was okay.
Go through textbook & recess time! After recess is... Chinese. Walao, got ting xie. I never learn & i get 49/100. WOW.
1 more marks lah please. -.- Wthell. I'm starting to hate this subject which is C-H-I-N-E-S-E! Then was Science. Do test paper.
& found out, i forget loads of freaking stuffs. SO, i gonna study Science first. The important one! Art was fun. We paint our board.
& i think its quite nice lah. :D Fun to paint to. Then eat lunch & had choir. Mr Liew lectured us said we had no passion & we have weak mind & give us a long break. 20min.
The leaders went in to talk to him & coming out crying. Leaders talk to us, & they made me cry... :( Gonna work hard for 3more days! KC CHOIR! COMON! JIAYOU!
Then Mr Liew talked to us & started singing. & seriously, our singing improved alot after the lecture. Choir people have woken up.
So, choir, we must stay on like this, so we would not disappoint Mr Liew & our school! After choir, Kayxi & Joyce gave me my birthday present.
Thank you. :D
PMS-ing day. Today is the unlucky day for me. YAH, what the hell. Firstly, morning my freaking menses came after going out of my house. PATHETIC! :@
Second, chinese lesson i was so quiet & Peggy scolded me just becos i didn't tell her i don't have the worksheet cos i left for Malaysia!
& my mood wasn't good, & YAH. -.- Next was OC. BORING & COLD. Home Ec, paint our art then i do my evaluation.
I was so quiet & i done my work. Then History, get back our CA2 paper, yay, i finally pass my History. FINALLY!!!!
10/17. :X
English, do Situation Writing then end of the day. Stayed back for choir & paint some stuffs. Then went home cos i have a badbadbad cramp.
Went home sleep & still feel freaking pain. Now, my mother is nagging like some shit to ask me to study!
KNNBCCB. I just studied you want me to study again & don't let me use the laptop. I know how to control the time for using the laptop.
I know when to start study, i don't need you to say me when I'm not in the mood for you to nag. No mood to entertain your shit & whatever.
Whats with the day? Morning & night. STUPID STUFFS. "WOW!!!!"