I miss you.
2:59 PM Monday, May 18, 2009
Hello people! (: I'm so lonely now. But just now Tifflin & Rachel come my house. They all do their things while I'm talking to Kayxi. & stupid Rachel go disturb me. Then talk don't know what to Kayxi. Rachel & Tifflin just left, lol. Both of them very de noisy lah pleaseeeeeee. & Rachel gave me a hot pack! So niceeeee & fun to break that thingy. Should have bought it when i go Melbourne uh!! & speaking of Melbourne, i miss the times when I'm there! I miss the coldness, the photos, the place, the bus i always fall asleep, the bus driver, nights that i never sleep & of course, the friends there. :D If i have the chance to go there again, i'll definitely go & play my ass off! (: & i have the photos on that day i went cycling with Jolene, Amanda & Tifflin. (: Shall post it up now.


Me. (:

Tifflin & Jolene!



Nothing to say or do anymore. I'm so bored now. ;/ Who can entertain meeeee!!
5.37pmNow, I'm troubling what to wear for tomorrow's outing with my clique. Their dress code is: Dress or long top with tights. HA HA, now I'm like... HOW?! But nvm, tomorrow Tifflin gonna come my house in the morning, can ask her. Haha! Im still very bored nowwwww. -.- What should i do? Play games, nah. Listen to songs, noisy. Whatever also cannot. Might as well decay! ARGH.
6.56pmJoelle is at my house now! She tie two pony tail again. I bet Tifflin regretted for going home sooooooo early. xD Right Tifflin?? Cos she asked me if Joelle is coming. Tifflin, Joelle & you, not fated. ;P Alright, im mean.

She look like a cow!


Smile to the camera!

Why smile so big?!!

Joelle Lim Jia Xi.
Alright, now you all can see how bored i am. I've been blogging again & again cos too bored. Wthell right?? xD