HELLO PEOPLE! :D MYE over already! I'm super duper happy. Just left with Art. The subject that doesn't bother about me. & i haven do my Thumbnails & the 3 sketches. -.- Uhh, whatever. Nevermind. Alright, on
11th May, i went exercise with Tifflin, Amanda & Jolene. Morning, was freaking pissed with Tifflin because she's always late! Argh. Then Amanda & Jolene quarrel. USUAL. :S haha, we cycled. Then Amanda always like so kan chiong one. Always ride so fast, people call her she ignoreeeeeeee! Cheh. Cycle halfway they stop down to take photos. Haha, we take our personal photos for our blog. But i dont have ALL the photos with me. Its with Tifflin, Tiflin's camera. So, when i got the photos, i'll upload the photos up again. After that, we chiong back cos gonna times up liao. Damn tiring when you go up the slope, can die. -.- Then we went to Burger King to eat. I mean, Tifflin & Jolene eat. Amanda & i steal their food. Haha. Played DDR. Hoho, long time no play liao. I deproved. 12.45, i leave first cos i have to rush to library cos Kayxi is like... RUSHING ME. Aiyer, then i go home faster showered & go to find her. Then was so pissed with the library. The service was veryvery bad lah. Wthell. -.- Then go up studied, go down again cos was hungry. Then eat & we go up & study again. Haha, i asked Kayxi to math question, wow, i like a tutorrrrrrrrr sia. (: -Kayxi, never pay me moneymoneyyy! $$$$- Then we study until night, 7plus. Haha, then a lot of KC people was there. Kayxi was stressing about HER ART. -.- Najwa was there, so she helped her a little bit. & her art, rock mannn! Went home, ate Nasi Lemak. PONGGO NASI LEMAK ROCK! I dont know how to spell. HAHA. :X Then had durian! OMGOMG! I LOVE DURIAN! :D I hate alotalotalot. Daddy bought it for me. Hoho, im so honoured. (: Studied Math a little bit & went to sleep.
12/5/2009Math paper 1 was easy. But i found out wrong answers already! -HOLAHHOHO!- Alright, i dont know whats that sound effect forrrr, but whatever. -.- Kayxi went my house to do art. Haha, but i fall asleep... :X Stayed in my room to do, but both of us was out of idea. So, we end up doing nothing. Haha! Then we so high. Kayxi asked me if she can tie my hair. & know what she done to my hair!?!!! She tied two ponytails!

Then she tie another hair style that made me & her laugh till very badly.

Lol, like some Nezha lah! -.-

Then she asked me to smile, but end up i was talking, & she snap it & take loads of my unglams.

Kayxi put self-timer & she never put sound, look at me sia! The hair is bothering meeee!

Haha, Kayxi look weirdddd. ;X TIFFLIN, you saw your duck? HAHA. :D
Kayxi went home at 6plus & i didnt want to study cos i was tired & worrying for my art. Haha, then study Math for 30min & i sleep.
13/5/2009MATH PAPER 2 CAN KILL ME! Its freaking hard k! I think i will just get 20plus for Paper 2. I expected to be hard cos Paper 1 is easy. Same as last year. -.- Wthell lah. I'll get 60plus for Math & byebye A1! ARGH, so pissed. Kayxi went my house to do art. Then while waiting for bus, Kayxi started the word "humongous". SO in the bus, i started playin with it & we're like some freak laughing to ourself. Lol. Go home, eat & start doing at 12pm. & we really did. But before that, i sleep & Kayxi put plaster on her forehead & neck. :X Got scartch. HAHA!

Look at LIM KAYXI.
Haha. & i got ideas for art le. SO just draw. & we forget something. Postal colours & blah. We went to parkway with $40. When we gonna leave house, Kayxi did some paiseh stuffs.
1) Left house without belt.
2) Go down, thought never bring ex-link card, went up & found it was in her pocket. -.-
3)I want sweet, & kayxi gave me sweet raper..
Haha, then know what? We not enough money to buy all the stuffs! You know how freaking paiseh it is?!!!! We have to cancel stuffs. Haha, then go home do art. Then we started painting & sister, Kayxi & i was freaking high. Then i made Kayxi laugh like hell. I dont know how to make her laugh, i say something & she laugh. >< Haha, Kayxi left at 9plus. HOHO. & she's stayover on Friday until Sunday. :D Haha, alright, i go play game liao. BYEBYE.