Hello people! (: I'm in Malaysia now & also, I'm tired. So i gonna say about yesterday & today shortly. But before i say about it...
I hope you enjoy your birthday. Its good friday, make sure its a good for you!
9/4/2009Reach school early just to fetch... JOYCE FOO KAI QIAN! Lol, fetching her will make me sweat siaaaaa.
First period was PC. Its rather fine lah. But, the only thing is that, i do PC project, end up, no need to present!!! WALAO.
Then last night i freaking sleep at... 1plus!!! Just to pack my stuffs, do the PC project, write something & do math homework.
Arghhh! Afterwards was... English. I swear the time pass so so so so so slowwwwwww. -.- Boring leh. Then when History time, Mr Chiang came in late.
Because he mark our papers until too engross & forget the time. Hahaha. Recess time, eat Otah Bread before leaving. Hohoho!
Reach home, i was tired. I didn't do anything, but just fall on the sofa & yeshhh. I slept very soundly until its time to shower & leave the house, i still refused to wake up.
1.15, Uncle William fetch us to airport. & we check in our things & wait until 2.10. Go into the gate. Soon, we can fly away liao!! xD
In the plane, i was freaking cold that i have a cold. I slept not for 1h cos its so uncomfortable.. 4plus reach Penang. Daddy & Ah Wa gege there waiting for us.
Then sit car for 2h. Soon, reach Kedah. Its flooding cos it rained. I slept in the car for 10min only & made me so blur. When i reach, i saw mummy.
I can see she miss my sister & i until she hug us & she cried.. I know she's sad about her mother's death. ):
Then change into the white clothes they given us. Everyone was black & white. Accept young childrens. They must be in red.
Saw all this notices. & Even it was put up in the newspaper.

Whole list of relatives of granny.

Yeah, my sister & my name was up there too.

Article saying about my granny. When & what time she passed away. When are we gonna bury her.
Mother ask me to look at my granny... I look a little into the coffin, i still can't see granny. Until i really took out my courage & see.
I burst into tears. & i made whole load of people cry too.. :X Esspecially, my cousin, Hwa. I was so scared when i look at her.
& i just cannot cannot accept my granny passed away. Once after i cry, i never talk/eat. & my tears just keep rolling down.

Cousin, Beeju.
Burn golden paper with my cousin for granny until my eyes was so pain. & i kept walking to the coffin & look at granny.
She looks... pretty, fine & importantly, peace. Then begin to do all the prayings. We have to walk around the place, knee down & loads of things.
Then break. Then Janee is damn pretty. Her eyes!! OMG, so big. & she love to follow me alot. Haha.

I look ugly..
Her brother is handsome. Big eyes=attractive!
Break overrrrr! Before crossing the "bridge", all my granny children need to pray for quite long...

Finish liao, cross the brigde, & say," Granny, go up the brigde! Granny, go down the brigde!" :D
I hope Granny really go up & down the bridge with me. Then we have to squat down for like 10min. Make me so dizzy & my leg is aching.
& all this praying, made me forget that its 12. My birthday, Chan's birthday. Lollol. Then its time to burn the paper house.
Wahhhh. The fire is bigggg.

Then went home at 3plus. Tomorrow have to wake up at 6.45. Omg, its like... NOT ENOUGH OF SLEEP.
Anw, though on top of this post, i will not say Happy Birthday to myself.
I would like to end of this day with those who send me "Happy Birthday" messages despite paying more & I'm in Malaysia.
& Sandra's present was awesome. Nicole Chan's present was cute!!! Thank you! :D & i want to say thank you to Henry gege!
His somehow the only one said "Happy Birthday" sincerly to me & he gave me a kiss. LOLLOL! *paiseh.
& probably, somehow i take it as the only family members say that to me. My cousins & sister did say.
But, not in a proper manner. But nvm, shall still thank them THANK YOU!
10/4/2009Wake up with my eyes swollen & having a runny nose still. Then didn't shower, change into another new white clothes they given.
& left house. Today, its time to bury Granny. The first thing i do when i reach, is to look at her. Cos after today, i will not have a chance to see her again. ):
& of course, when we pray. Walking around the coffin first/second round, we are still able to see her & many people cried.
But for the 3rd time walking around the coffin, they sealed the coffin & we cried even moreeeeeeee! Hurhur.
Then had all the praying until 10plus. 11plus, its time to send Granny off. We walk for a distance. Its hot.

Lol, look at the circle i drawn. My father was there, holding a umbrella & have a longlong thing around his body.
& some other man.

Some people cannot stand the hotness, they put the wet towel on their head.

Sit car to the mountian where people bury dead bodies there.People in the bus. Everyone not enough sleep.
& the hole we digged, was deep. Put the coffin in, everyone throw some stone & cannot look back anymore. So, everyone walked off with our eyes red. :/
Lol, Nicole Chan & Joyce called me & said Happy Birthday. Thanks lah both of you! Wasting so much money to call me in Malaysia! xD
Go home after that & I'm a little hungry just now. Everyone sleep, i ask my cousin fetch me go eat. I eat loads of things.
Haha, & now i'm bloated & also tired. *Yawnnnn* Shall go sleep now. Thats how 10 of April is like this year.