I can never know how you feel.
9:03 PM Tuesday, April 7, 2009

PE was so... Argh. Ms Hamfris(Don't know how to spell) go complain to Mrs Lim that some of us never run..
Mrs Lim ask us to run again lah. Then its like, i never stop running then must run againnnnnn. -.- Sian lah.
History, Mr Chiang never come. Was given work to do. Then our class is like... WAHHHHH. xD But, its nice.
Then English, Mrs Goh never come also. Lollol, so we have free period again. But was given work to do AGAIN..
After recess was Math. Was paying full attention. Then the time like pass damn freaking fast lah. xD Hohoho.
Lit teacher never come, but must do essay. But i wasn't doinggggggg. I decide to end it up after school. COS I WAS TOO LAZY..
Science, go through Theory Workbook & whatever shit. Then was doing correction the whole lessons. 1h, all copying corrections. Lollol.
After school, stayed back do Lit. Then was so pekcek cannot find points to write the essay. Then i was somehow starting to panic.
Went home showered & went facial with Tifflinnnnnn. Then all along i was talking rubbish. Hahahahaa.
I bet Tifflin also don't know what to say back or whatever. Lollol. Facial i was Zzzzzz. :D So nice lah. If not, i was realrealreal tired.
7plus reach home & Tifflin went back at 8plus. Hoho, i haven do my Math homework yet. my luggage i haven pack finish yet. xD

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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