Lower Sec had BMW Quiz. :D Its actually quite fun leh! They ask you question you answer. Then also somehow got like "Don't forget the lyrics".
I know some songs, but didn't want to go up & sing. So paiseh lah. xD So i hear people sing loh. Haha.
Then need to dress up teacher or classmate. Lol, my class one wasn't really nice. So we didn't expect a result or whatever. (:
But i just think other class FORM & CO FORM TEACHER ARE DAMN GOOD. The students ask them to be they okay.
But we select Mr Pang, yet he don't want & say his 1 vote=45votes. Wthell logic is this sial MR PANG?!!!
So unreasonable lah please. =.= Think until tomorrow lesson start, beginning is HIS lesson. I also sian le.
I just don't like teachers who are not supportive... Then had early recess. Prepared for busking. Then keep singingsingingsinging.
Sing Miley Cyrus- The Climb. Unknowingly, its 10.45 le. Need to go change into my drama costume & yah.
103 started performing first. I was so nervous at that time alright?!!! I was panicking. Then its 202's turn.
Wah, i say my lines so unnatural.. Last year Mid-Autume Festival one was better... Then i forget some of my lines.
& i wonder why some people was laughing.. PAISEH. ): & i know i acted real bad. Also didn't expected any prize or something.
Went up to gallery to watch the Choral thingy. SO BORING. Then my body got no strength. I slept on June. HAHA, so niceeeee!! xD
Then Mrs Lim ask us go down. Watch the Dance, dance. Damn nice lah. Best CCA in our school. & its time for prize giving time.
HAHA, know what? 202 won the 3rd prize for the acting. Was shocked at that time. Haha. Thwn 2.30 was released .
WAH, choir starts at 3 & they release us so late. Pathetic ah? The queue also very long. -.- Was late a while for choir/
But Mr Liew haven come. The choir room was kinda empty today. Janice talk to us & she "fainted".
Everyone said "APRIL FOOL"! They so lame, come trick us. Then Mr Liew came. He look like his in a bad mood...
He begin calling people who didn't come for choir. Lol. He said he'll dismiss us at 5 cos his sad to see this amount of people.
& we look tired too. So, today like only have 1h of choir. Waited for Kayxi. While waiting, played Cong Kan with my senoir.
Haha, was my childhood game. :D Kayxi release at.. 5.40. :] Then we played, talked a little & soon its 7plus. We went home.
Now watching Teresa's new show. Haha, she suddenly so good in acting. xD Alright, shall end. (: