Moments i treasure.
Hello people!!! :D I'm starting to love Saturdays & Sundays.
Cos i can sleep as long as i want. & no one will ask me to wake up. Hahahaaha! I found out i love sleeping alot & i need more rest. (:
Next time i shall enjoy Saturday & Sunday more. For Monday to Friday, i hope i
can enjoy it too. xD
Cos when I'm tired, i will not enjoy it anymoreeeeeeeeeee!!! Or maybe i will? I dont know! Lol! I login into friendster.
Cos it had been centuries since i login into friendster. I went through page by page to see all my friends profile.
& i saw Joelle's friendster. My gosh, the photo totally made me so shocked. She put make up & i think she take focus.
I click & go through the photos, there's some picture she look like an baby model! Ahhhhh! I miss Joelle! ):
She's in Malaysia now. I never seen her for like... 3weeks? & i don't know when is she coming back. Hurhur.
Anyway, i'll show you all her photo. Its fantastic & niceeeee! :D

Isn't it cute? Nice? I think I'm crazy over Joelle alreadyy! :O
Haha, now I'm looking my daddy eating orange. Its so sour until his face made me laugh. Hahaha!!!! xD
Shuchun coming my house study later on. (: Heh, i bet we
sure study. Cos Shuchun really can study de. D:
Ending off!
Enjoy Joelle's picture! :X