SIGH. :/
Today had Lit. Wasn't
really listening. & finally we got back our exam paper. & yay, i got 22/25 for Lit.
But then, the rest of the lesson i was... -.-
I was busy writing someone's letter. Hahaha. Contact time, was talking about donation & family day.
-.- Boringgggg.
History was scaryyyy! Had back our re-test paper. Before that, he was like purposely nagging make us veryvery nervous & blah.
After annoucing the full marks of those people, then its time to give out paper.
Mr Chiang say,"Should i call out those bad marks one?" Walao, then i was called first. I walked veryvery slowly.
Thought i fail or something, However, i just pass. I phewwwwwww. Scare me sial. Then until Ginger, she failed.
Mr Chiang say her & she say,"Change loh!" Giving attitude. Mr Chiang get fed up & i was covering my ears.
Damn scary. & Ginger was giving attitude. She cried & she crush her exam paper when she went back to her sit.
& resulting Mr Chiang to be
MORE angry. Whats her problem?! Also, whats Mr Chiang's problem?!
Its none of Nadia's fault yet you threw the paper
ON THE FLOOR. Wtf. So what she didn't score well?
Doesn't mean anything also. :@
English had vocab test. :/ Never study. So, i dont know a single thing loh.
Recess time, emotionals was mixed & made me soooooooooooooo unbearable.
Breakdown. Math time, Tifflin keep staring at me.
& asked me to chill. I told her & asked her. When i was asking her, i cried. Haha, thanks Tifflin for understand how i feel when i ask you that.
& of course, what i wrote to you. -Its really hard right?-
Then Jolene came & played with my pens. & its so niceeeee. Look at the colours.

Art time, emotionals are still inside my heart. Sour. Nvm, i should try to smile. (: Aliah kena bullied.
Mother Tongue had spelling.
I never study, i left all blanks. Pathetic, i got 18/100. Hahahaha. xD Had chinese poem. & i wrote about YOU againnnn!
Was kinda easy actually. End of school, Jolene camwhore. -.-

Lollol. She always look nice in photo.
1year is long.
2years is even longer.
3years is eveneven longer.
4years is veryvery long. :/
ContinuedTalking to Joyce & Lim Kayxi nowwwww. Lollol, was really entertaining. Was talking about chinese & then i started calling Joyce stupid foo.
I kena influenced.
I print screen our coverrrrrr. Read it. :D

Haha, they're so fun! & joyce is damn cuteeeeeee. Kayxi? Hyper.