10:31 PM Thursday, February 5, 2009
I finally dared to on the computer to online & blog. Cos i was so scared of my mother that she will start scolding/nagging. -.-
Yah, lets start my day with lessons again.
Mr Pang talked about our studies & seriously made me damn stress. Mr Pang say if we get Grade 1 for one subject, in O Level, we will get B4.
Shit lah, then i was like, AH?! So low?!
After what he say, the whole class wa panicking. Especially June & me went crazy, keep asking people to study. Kay, i seriously need to studyyyyy!
Watched a video of tigers for the two periods. :D So niceeeeee! & the cub is freaking cute lah. The fur seems to be so... Soft.
Had group work. However, June & i started laughing to ourself. Haha, cos we need a computer to do. Then Mr Chiang let us off early, we chiong down buy food.
& yay-ed, i force June to eat, -June Lim! You better eat from Monday onwards!-
Had chinese compo test. & i forget to bring electronic dictonary. Nvm, i was so lazy to write & think. I put my head on the table while writing. xD
Oh, & finally i write finish. :D
Sciencec is damn boring leh. But, i still like Science. So, my aim for CA is Grade 1. So, even if Mrs Ho's lesson s boring, i gonna read up myself.
I swear Mr Faizal is the best teacher! His like so good. No matter how noisy we are, his trying not to scold us.
Thank you Mr Faizal. :] Then we continued colouring out Art. & June is retarded. She keep talking to herself.
She ask a question but she answered for herself. -.- Lol, then we keep laughing. Then saw video of a Sec 1 girl singing.
She's damn despo. DISGRACE!
June & i was somehow hyperrrrrr. I suddenly came up with this chinese song.
I was marching while singing.
Wait for Bern then at the toilet there. June & i was kissing Bern's CHEEK! Omg, first time kissing a girl. Goshgoshgosh.
Then Bern was like... OH! HAHAHA.
Eat with Jolene & others. Then while waiting for choir to start, i was playing with Kayxi, Althea, Sandra, Jolyn & th kia su Geraldine.
LOL, i dont know when i became Kayxi & Althea's daughter. ><>Choir!
I didn't know audition was todayyyy only after Sop 1 came back from AVA.
I was so scared when i reach AVA. & test by one by one. Sing to everyone some more. But luckily, i pass Audition Round 1!
Means still got round 2,3,4 & dont know how many lah. GOSH. Then test finish combine practice & go home. Altos haven test yet. Reach home showered & sister was doing slpit. But she cannot liao. Then i was like "YOU CANNOT LAH".
Then i asked her, you can do brigde?
Eileen: I dont dare. Even people hold me i also dont dare. Like this i can lah. -Scroll down-

LOL, she need to lie down then can go up. ==!!
Kay, not many stuffs to say le. So, hop you enjoy reading. :]