7:34 PM Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Helloooo! :D I've not been blogging for days. Reasons will be explained in the post.
Swam with my niece, Tracia. ;D Kinda fun lah. Wear clothes tat time, Tracia talk to me untilsh wear her pants without panties. xD
img src="http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/Jaime1233/DSC04357.jpg" border="0" alt="">
Then 2.30 Kayxi came. She want bring her duck back for washing, but i didn't allow her. xD
Then we was somehow da "fighting. 3plus left house & go to parkway. My god, i saw my ex, Ryan! *Paiseh*
Kay lah, i somehow missed him. ;x
Kayxi buy her MacDonald. After that, i go buy my water bottle. :D *Yay! Kayxi want eat ice-cream. I didn't bother her.
However, a few minutes, i asked her if she want to eat not. :Z End up, i eat ice cream, Kayxi eat chicken rice. -.-
Walked around, go popular buy my stuffs & sit bus to Tifflin's house. Know what?! Reach Tifflin's house, Tifflin & Shuchun haven come yet.
We wait them at the playground there & Kayxi feel asleep. For me? Listen to music then emotions start coming. D:
Finally, see until Tifflin they all liao. Go eat dinner at Tifflin's house. Gonna be late so we sat a taxi there. ><
Tuition time, Kayxi & i keep coughing. & finally, the girls get to sit on the big table. :DDD Cos Mr Gan said," I realise the girls is afraid of this fan."
Then he pointed to a guy the hair veryvery short, ask us to eat like his. ==!! Walao, make me laugh nia!
Then we came across this question that had whtever z. Then Mr Gan's z is written veryvery different, like y like that.
Mr Gan explained to us how to write the algebra z.
The brownest(t-shirt) guy ask," Why is it written like this?" Mr Gan asked him back," Then why you write your a like this?"
I began laughing again. >< After a while, i cough, just nice Kayxi cough also. Then we cough at the same time. SO COOL. :D
Then the brownest(t-shirt) guy keep turn & look at us whenever we do something. -.- What the hell?! Concentrate lah you!
End liao, then go home. :]
Tracia came & go swimming again. I'm freaking doing my homework, yet she's at there," Jaime! I want go swimming!"
MY GOD! After i do her work, i go down see her swim. Never swim. So, i taken some photos of her. xD AHAAHA.



Asked Tracia to stand there. Lol.






6plus, asked Tracia to go home liao. Help her shower & played her hair. xD


Then blahblah. Thats the end!
School time okok lah. Exercise was tiring, no mood to run. Run liao, my leg become damn itchy. Walao, damn it.
English period, teacher never comeeeeeeeee. Usual us, noisyyyyyyy. :D Mr K said us & go. Math was alright.
I love Mathhhhhhhhhhhh! <3 Recess time, NO MORE CANTEEN DUTY! *Yayism
OC, teacher veryvery firece. Bad mood. HAHAHAH! Then Alicia say fish until very funny. She say wrongly.
Lit= WORSE! More boring. But pass my test.
Assembly was boring too.
-End of school-
Go TM with Jolene, Nadia, Tifflin & Amanda. Eat tako ball! NICEEEEEEE. Then went to collect my stuffs. Jolene bought her stuffs & went home.
The bus made me have a veryvery bad headache. 7pm, watch tv, slept on th sofa. 8pm was suppose to watch CSS when sister call me.
However, i fall asleep again! I was veryvery sick. Showered & sleep at 9.27pm.
-Mood wasn't happy at all-
Lesson was alright. PE kinda fun lah. :D History first time time pass so slowwwww. -.-
English, teacher never come again. D: What happen to her?
Math time! Look forward to it man. & yeah... Lit time... Boring. Science, was boring too.
After school, had choir. But 30min only. Waited for Tifflin, stayed back with her to do some Math homework then go home.
Now, i gonna stop blogging & go to sleep! :D BYE!
Whats the point?
Its still the same. What else can i do more? What else can i say even more?!