12:53 AM Thursday, December 4, 2008
Woohooo! :D Its time for me to though the time now is like... 1.11am.
Hahaha. I shall cut short everything & blog about on the 2nd & 3rd December quickly cos i have to pack my stuffs. :]
I'm going back Malaysia tomorrow night. Hahaha.
Woke up at around 11plus. Showered & watch at mummy's room. 12 plus? Kayxi cameeeeeeee.... UP WITH MY MOTHER!!!!
Hahaha. She was very paiseh i think? I was laughing at her. Went East Coast to let my dear tortoise away... :/
We exercise leh. Can you believe we walk from my house to parkway? Actually intended to walk until East Coast. However, she was very hungry.
She was mumbling away sial. Eventually, we sat bus to East Coast. ==!! Walkwalkwalk. Kayxi started mumbling again. ><
She ask me just put it on the sea. I say dont want. Put at the pond where all the tortoise is there. Then she damn pissed with me.
Hahaha. See her so tired, i just say okay lah. Put it into the sea. Walk there. Put my tortoise. Slowly it crawl very fast.

Kayxi want to let off my tortoise....
Then i still very worried for my tortoise. End up, we walk to the place where all the tortoises are there. xD LOLLOL.
Then we walk back to Ngee Ann bus stop. Take bus to parkway to EAT! Finally! xD In the bus. Taken photo of Kayxi's ez-link. & also mine lah.
Eat finish, buy mouse for sister.
Walkwalk around then go back home. & its rainingggggggggg! AHHHHHH. Kayxi & i just walk under the rain.
Sit bus to my house & we was somehow splashing water on each other. WE WERE ALL WET!!! My handphone drop on a puddle of water. Faster walk to see anything happen to my phone. Go home, luckily, nothing happen to my phone.
& kayxi say its cool. She should try too. ==!!
We use towel dry ourself. & i laid on my bed. Kayxi said im dirty. After she say that she laid own too. Wthell?!?!?!?!
Kayxi was waiting for someone's message. & one funny/cool sentence came out from her mouth.
"Cannot wait! The more i wait, the more it wouldn't come."
She throw her handphone on my bed. & i started staring at her. Hahaha. Shouldn't continue already. Cos.... Yah lah.
-Kayxi, you should know. ;)-
I just know somethingggg. Kayxi keep bullying my poor sister. Actually, i also took part in it. ;x
CHOIR CONCERT!!!! :D Was kinda excited. Must reach school by 12.30. & i can wake up at like... 10plus?
I woke up myself at 9sharp. Pathetic me sial.
I watch tv while eating. Use computer. Realise the time & faster shower. Curl my hair & zoom out with my hair not tied.
Not wearing contact lenses. In bus, make properly & i feel so much better. Then suddenly Sandra call with her sister's number. I didn't know.
Jaime: *shocked* Who are you?!
Jaime: Ohh! What?
Sandra: My sister forget to bring the cord shoe home. Now no cord shoe! HOW?!
Haha, i thought i owe people money sial. xD
Reach school, wea contact lense then leave the school. We practice for like hours on th stage & wow! Its time to change & make-up.
Was very rush. Not enough time. Teacher was rushing us. However, i didn't really put alot of make-up. Hahaha.
Waited at the backstage. Got tv inside. Saw people coming in. Was so scared suddenly. Go into the hall, everyone was shouting.
Wow! & surprisingly, i heard my name. Lollol. ==!!
SINGSINGSING. Till the dancing time. I SAW A MAN SLEEPING!!!! I was so damn pissed off lah. Then i purposely dance hardhard.
But then change song, everything. The pitch very sop very high, he wake up. Aiyah! He wake up when every song ended.
Or something that can jump him. STUPID! Last part was nice. Give prize. No need to sing liao. We kept screaming like hell. Hahaha.
Mr Liew & other said well done. Everyone just can't stop smiling. Haaha. :D I LOVE THIS CONCERT!
Left & meet tifflin & parents outside. Saw Kayxi. WOW. Not bad ah she wear. Hahaha. Then go eat with mother.
I told them i wish the concert dont end. Lollol. I suddenly miss it so much!!!!!! :/ Nvm, still got chance. :D
K, i shall end now. Im tired. Not gonna pack my stuffs. Tomorrow then pack lah. I shall sleep now. GOODNIGHT. :D