Choir Concert! ;D
4:34 PM Monday, December 1, 2008
Another stupid thing i've done this morning.
Yesterday before i slept, i set my alarm cos got choir at 9.30am. I set my alarm at 7. Suppose to be set at 8am de. But i think i very blur, so thought was 7.
Today morning, alarm rang, notice still got 1 more hours to sleep. & i keep off-ing the alarm until 7.35am i totaly off the alarm. Hahahaha.
& im late for choir. Need to pay $1 lah. Today's time go kinda fast. Haha, Mr Qiu was fun. & we get the song Even Such is Time already.

Woohoo~! After ages sial. xD
Then collect our dancing clothes. S is super damn small. M is damn small. L is small. First i take M. Then change to L. & i get back my M again. ):
I want bigbig one! Aiyerrrr.
Go parkway buy choir shoe. So ugly lah. Then i keep complaining to Sandra. When we walk out we keep observing those worker the shoe.
Also not as ugly as what we are suppose to wear de loh. Wthell!!!! ): Aiyer. Haha, just babysitted Joelle to sleep. :D
Every week she come, she look different! xD Aiyoh. & im getting excited for concert! Ahhhhhhhhhh!
Reminder for those who is coming!
This wednesday, 3rd December. 7.30pm. At Singapore Conference Hall. :]
2 more days to choir concert people! href="" target="_blank">