11:40 PM Sunday, November 9, 2008
Woke up at 11plus. Just to watch my show. :x & blahblahblah. Blah until 3plus, Kayxi came! YAY~! Finally someone came to accompany me!
Which is, LIM KAYXI! :O
She was so quiet lah. Then she stayed in my room, i used the computer once again. xD Hahaha. Its always like that de loh.
Then, i feel like going out to buy something. Ask Kayxi & left the house. Came back, sit down for a while & go shower! (:
Left house around... 6.20? I cant remember.
In the bus, was freaking cold. But didn't reallu do anything about it. Was listening to song for Campus. Haha.
Reach liao, waited for Tifflin. That girl was very tired after the camp. POOR GIRL. :x Sat 225. Usual things again.
I buy my fruits, Kayxi buy her nugget. ==!!
& i just realise that we're late. I walk damn fast. & Tifflin pull my bag. Kayxi leh? Walk so slow. Still say her fastest liao. ><
Reach already, Kayxi wanted to go toilet. First question from her. "Is it squat one?" LOLLOL! I told her yes.
Her reaction was like... O.O!!
Followed saying," I dont know how to aim." LOL!
Then tuition time, i get damn horny. :X I keep on touching Kayxi's leg, here & there. Then i randomly say about she cant aim.
Kayxi say what got 3 holes. She dont know the pee come out from which hole. ==!! Hahahah, please lah.
She should go find out de loh. & i didn't know we have 3 holes there. :DDD
9.30!!! Tuition ended!
Walkwalkwalk, we(Kayxi & me) decided to molest Yuling. Cos Yuling was very scared after seeing what Kayxi did to me & what i did to Kayxi. Lol.
Kayxi tickle her, i hit her there. Wah, Tifflin run. Kayxi run. Yuling run. Left me standing there. They scared i molest them. Hahah. :}
Yuling go liao, i ask Kayxi to piggyback me. & was so surprised that she can piggyback me. Was so fun lah! WOOHAHAHAH! :D
-Kayxi! You rock women!-
Kayxi buy nugget again. But i shared with her this time. We walk to Bedok Int. :] Then Kayxi & me somehow fight suddenly. Hahaha.
Reach int, tifflin go home. Kayxi & me sit 197 home.
Haha, & thats the end. :]
Woke up alot of times today. Just to see if Jolene send me message about cancellation of her tuition. ><
& the tuition was not cancelled. ):
Woke up, found out my whole family stomach pain. But i was actually alright. However, after i shower, my stomach hurts.
& i keep going into the toilet. Why so unlucky?! ): CHEH. Then want leave house also dont dare. Finally leave, took a cab to Bedok Int to find for Jolene.
& my stomach hurt again. But i was bearing for it. & can you actually believe i bear with it for 4h? K, let me tell the process of the whole experience in Mediacorp.
-First, get the form.
- Fill up the form.
- Wait & the person will walk you to take photos & register.
- Take photo & head for the registration.
Take photo with the background of... Campus Superstar. Wow! COOL! Haha. Then register loh. After that, waitwaitwait.
While waiting, take photos of the form & my number!
The form very nice hor? :X
My number, 2692.
Sorry, i rotate the photo le, but upload still like this. :x
Finally, until us(Jolene & me).
They walk us to the audition room. & know what?! I get damn nervous & i forget the lyrics of my song. Heard alot of "theeeee"
Means alot of people out. WAH. Damn scary. Jolene's turn. & i heard "theeeee" Omg lah.
Next, was me. I went in, i intro myself.
I singsingsing, they ring the bell. Ask me to turn & look at the light. Suddenly "theeeee!". I can jump up de you know?!
Then they say" 用功读书哦!" I said," Thank you."
& thats the end of Campus. WOO~ So relax after that. :] Was not happy, was not sad. But nehmind, at least i tried. Left the place & walk to bus stop. Taken photo with the campus tag. :D

I still have to say, if next year still got, you all should go try. It may be greatzxzx you know? :] Haha, Campus rock!
Went ToaPayo. Jolene buy her food & sat 31 home. & wasn't really feeling well thanks to my idiot stomach! :@
Went home, chiong toilet. :x Haha, & thats the end.
&, who still want to buy choir ticket?!?!?!?!