Xiaoqing stay over at my house!
2:48 PM Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hello people!!! ;D I gonna post about the day Xiaoqing came over my house to sleep :D
Hahaha it was so much fun lolllll. After that probably saying about my choir camp if i feel like. :x
Xiaoqing came on the 22nd. Which is on the Saturday.
Tifflin called me & ask if i want to buy books not. I say okay & go find her.
Buy our books already, go parkway walkwalk. Then sit at JollyBean talktalk. Tifflin ask Xiaoqing whose the person in her friendster the dp.
Tifflin: The picture of your friendster display very doll leh.
Xiaoqing: No, she very short only.
Tifflin: I know, but she very doll.
Xiaoqing: No lah. She very short only.
-Xiaoqing still use her hand & tell Tifflin the height.-
I kept silence cos im thinking why Xiaoqing answer back no link de. & i wanted to laugh already. I told Xiaoqing:
Me: Tifflin say is DOLL. Not TALL.
Xiaoqing: Ohohoh! Hahahaha.
Xiaoqing hearing got problem loh.
Go home I asked Xiaoqing to help me make blogskin. & now, my blogskin is a pig! But, i think i gonna change my blogskin already. xD
Should try my own one. Haha.
Do for like hours loh. Then we shower & my sister help us do hair. She bought a curler & wanted to play with it. ><>
Still doinggggg.
Half head doneeeee!
Then at night, tried out fake nails. :D Niceeee. But, i taken out. Haha. ;x
At night, while i was blogging about Melbourne thingy, Xiaoqing in my room talk to her Sameul loh. Cheh.
Was hungry, went to Cheers to buy cup noodle!!! (: Then in kitchen, xiaoqing lost one of her nails. I told her:
Me: Later drop into your noodle ah!
Xiaoqing: Impossible. I heard my nails dropping down the sound.
Then we eateateat. Xiaoqing saw her nails in the noodle when she had already finish the noodle! ==!!
Where's the another nail?
Shower & sleep. But, before me & xiaoqing sleep. We talk about our own private stuffs. xD Then we pomp. Sleep liao. Haha.
Sister do mash potato for us!!! ;D Yayyayyay! While she do, taken retards photo.
Lazy to upload. Go Xiaoqing's blog see the ugly photo of me bah. (: Eat finish mash potato, wait for tifflin. We decided to decorate it for her. ;x
Go into my room & talk about lame jokes. & also taken some photos. Hahahaha.
Jiejie. :D
Finally, auntie come liao. Tifflin!!! So long. She eat her mash potato & we go swimming. :D

Xiaoqing & Jaime.
Swim finish go to East Coast Park to see Xiaoqing's darling. Go there was wet!!! Rain till so heavy. Played one round of ddr.
Then sit until the rain not so heavy. Time to go for tuition!! Was freaking cold loh. Was concentrating lah. (:
Then go home shower. Pack my choir camp stuffs. & sleep.
I wish xiaoqing can come again!!! (: Love her! ♥
Not gona post about choir camp. Want to know more. Check out Jolyn's blog. Some photos in Melbourne
Tifflin's hair.
Fixing the plug.
Tifflin sleeping. :x
Thats all people! :D Remember scroll down to see about Melbourne & the photos. (: