Reach Malaysia
12:13 AM Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hello! I'm in Malaysia nowwwwwww. :D However, still the same old thing, i gonna blog about what happen when im free.
So, here i go. MY STORY. :) My bus is at 7pm. & i was somehow late lah. Hahahaha. xD My family was the last.

In the bus was rather uncomfortable. Its not as comfortable as bed. :/ Total hour i slept in the bus was only... 4hours.
Reach Malaysia, Kedah at 5.52am. AHHHHHHH! Wake me up from my beautiful dream lah. WALAO! Waited my cousin to fetch us.
Two cars fetch... 8 people including Joelle. :D Reach home, 2 dogs keep barking. Hahaha. I bet they miss me. =XXXXXXX
They see every single of us, they lick. Go eat dessert. Didn't eat really much. Eat finish, follow my cousin's car go find another 2 more dogs.
Bring them home. :D Now, in my house, 4dogs. Hahaha.
& whenever i sit down call one dog, all the dog come to me. They somehow jealous. Haha. They want me to touch them, they will lick your hand. :)
Showered & went to our room to sleep. So tired. xD Slept for like 3h, everyone left. Left my 2cousin & my sister.
They shouted at us to wake up. Everyone leave liao. We drag our heavy/lazy body & get up from the bed. x]
Go down the stairs eyes close & pomp. We slept on the floor soundly again. However, not until 5min, the dog woke us up.
They lick us, sit on us, bark on us. & know what?! JUST TO CALL MY SISTER & I UP. Wthell. We surrender & wake up.
Sister showered first then followed was ME. ;D Then left house bringing 2dogs out. xD Eat our lunch then go somehow shopping.
Bought toothbrush & those we need when we come back. We always buy the same thing when we come back.
& this time, we buy clothes. Haha, & we spend about 6oo+. But is RM. xD Change to Singapore is like 300+?
My sister bought a buy & i bought clothes. :] The next event is BORINGGGGGG. Visited my grandma. & i know we are suppose to visit relatives.
But when i reach there, i visited them. Talked to them. Yet after like hourS, not leaving yet. ==!! Finally, can leave leave. Cos of Joelle. ==!!
Eat dinner. The food quite nice lah. :] No, i mean, the food in Malaysia is always nice. Hmmmm, then go my cousin's mother house.
Get into the house then take the 4puppy. I hold them. & the mother keep on following me. Hahaha. xD
The mother & 4 babies.

So cute right?

The puppy very nice to hold loh.
Wait until 10, go fetch my cousin from work. Go home, ahhhhh! Winnie's puppy is here. :] So cute & soft the body. The way it run is damn cute.

At night, my cousin was very angry with her mother telling the father that he forget to confiscate her phone.
Then when the mother come in, my cousin ask her to go out. Hahaha/. The mother still can smile. We ask her why.
She say my cousin siao one what. So smile lah. HAHAHAHAHHA!
Then my aunt show me the show which is bitten by winnie.
K, end today's post. Goodnight. ;}
P/s Sorry for the late update. Tomorrow will update more. So, stay tune! :D