9:52 PM Friday, November 7, 2008
HEY! :D Have been very lazy to blog. Even now, i'm lazy. Or maybe not? I'm busy. Cos, i've decided to join CSS 3. :]
& i'm watching those people having auditions & after they get into top 20. Woo~
Scary. D:
I just gonna say, i join not bacause being famous. Just to try. If i get in, i will continue trying. If i don't get in, then nvm. :) Haha.
K, get into the point.
Went out yesterday with neighbour, Darren. Just to watch movie & end the day. Watch the don't know what Outram of the So????.
I dont know what the hell show it is lah. Its just boring. Last part was quite alright. The rest of the time, i was turning here & there.
Cos, i was just damn cold. Omg lah.
The show ended i was so happy. :X Went to SuperDog & eat. Have this stupid rule.
Sorry, the picture is blur. :x
They say they are proud of thei chilli. I eat liao, i told Darren & my sister that their chilli sucks. Ewwww. Mac chilli nice. :D Haha.
Eat finish, went homeeeeeee! The train was dmn crowded. & people was pushing here & there. *Pissed.
Finally reach Paya Lebar, get down. My sister was fcking angry. A indian man touch her butt. LOL. & he have boots too.
Went home & the end! (:
Woke up at 9plus. Showered & wait for daddy to get back home. Went to TM. Changed my number. (:
Had choir. Last practise, they saystart at 1. I reach there, Jolyn told me start at 2. WTHELL?! Waste my time. Cheh.
Ate ice-cream & went to buy cheese fries with Jolyn. (: & choir just pass like this.
-Sorry, no mood. ):-
Photos of Xiaoqing

Cute right her? My girlfriend. (; I love her. ;D

HEY XIAOQING! Where you looking?