8:24 PM Monday, October 13, 2008
& i woke up at 10plus cos of the noise in my house. People come my house make my light, make hole on the wall. Wah, bu chao si cai gui.
Plus Jolene Seah keep on calling me, very noisy also! AIYER!
Wake up, blurblur. Look at the worker & use phone. The workers left, i go eat. Washed hair & go to school at 12.14p.m.
& im suppose to meet sonia at 12.15p.m.
Ok, reach school at 12.30p.m. Sonia & Nadia was waiting for me at overhead bridge. Went into school, waited more than 1h loh.
Worse, we're the last one. Im the second one who gonna take the jab. I didn't expect it to be so pain.
When the jab just go in, my face change. Its fcking pain can~!
Gosh. After the jab, went to parkway meet cousin. & joelle is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee (: .
Go Gaint walkwalk. Saw one hat, cousin put it on Joelle's head. SO CUTE!

Joelle! :D
Went out of parkway, some how called"Pasamalam". Bought Kukubird.
Will have light when got phone call & when have sms-es.
After shopping, sit a cab home. & Joelle vomited on me in the cab. Disgusting. D:
Reach home, shower immediately. Took out the plaster on my hand. Got blood de leh. Cool sial. I thought no blood de. Heh. xD

Ok, nothing to talk about liao, Todoos! :D