4:46 PM Friday, October 3, 2008
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Histoy finally, ended. & i mean, totally
ENDED!& seriously, i feel so much relax now. The time now is 4.50p.m.
This few weeks, i dont post at this time. Cos of History. See, without History, i not so busy liao.
History just kill my life. & my head now is damn pain & dizzy now.
I want to sleep after blogging. But, i'm suppose to do Art the whole day today!!
Still, i gonna say, I WANT TO SLEEP. I can't hang on liao. D:
Let me talk about my exams & going to Tampines Mall today. (:
Woke up at 5.45a.m. Showered & get ready.
Left house at 6.26. In bus, studied History! *Tired!
Reach school, continued studying! Then my head pain. But i still continued cos i seriously forget everything i've studied yesterday night!! ):
History paper was actually average. NO! Higher than average a little. :/
Got feeling no gonna get good result for Histroy.
& im so stupid.
We are suppose to write on a new sheet of paper for Section B Part 2.
But i didn't. I wrote together! & suppose to tie Section A & Section B part 1 together.
cannot!Mr Pang said nvm, but im still
worrying! :/
Had English Oral at AVA was damn noisy.
Actually, English Oral is
funfunfun! My teacher Mr Ciang.
I found out that, his quite good. (: I'm not scared when he test me.
Finish English Oral, go to canteen with Bern.
Waited for June & Amanda. Their oral finish, we went to Tampines! (:
For what? To buy
MYUK pencilbox.
In bus stop, Amanda started wanting to talk unglam. Arghhhh!

Amanda! :D

June! :D
June, Amanda, Bern & I have the same pencilbox nowww.
Went to Toy somethingsomething.
Saw Monkey! All of us started laughing! Cos it was someone.

Only Jolene, Bern, June, Amanda & I know who i'm talking about. xD
Cos, we're cool. :X
& i swear i'm damn blur at TM. Talktalktalk, almost knock onto a full of garbage.
All of them started laughing!!!
Went to the MRT, gonna tap the card. But didn't know was spoilt.
I still went there when June & Bern walk to the end.
The started laughinglaughinglaughing. ==!!
Not funny kay! ;P
Go up the escalator, the
UP was opposite of the
DOWN one.
I didn't know, i want go to the DOWN when Bern & June walk to another escalator AGAIN!
I'm damndamndamn blur today!
Bern & June keep laughing also. ><
Kay, i shall stop talking cos Joelle is coming! :D
Stop telling other people stories lah. We don't mind you telling them the true story. But, you seemed to change the whole story. Wthell is all this shit you've done? Is that what you do when we did this to you? Maybe yes, but please, admit. I thought you say must ADMIT. Yet, you're not admitting you're wrong. Firstly, you're acting lah canzzxz?! Secondly, you jut want pitiness. But you're not saying you want. The fact is that, no one cares bout you. & also, people hate you now. Keep saying changechangechange, but please, you're not even changing after dont know how many times of letting you to change. Is this call CHANGE?! Cheh, go think & stop acting lah! ==!!