9:10 PM Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Art exam was real boring & im tired! :/ Plus, keep ah-chewing. AIYER!
After art, was pissed again. Mr Pang kept us cos of ysterday's matter.
He asked me what happen veryvery angrily. So, i answer him back very piss-ly.
I told him this:
Mrs Ang want us to leave queitly. Then we all make alot of noises. She say is me, i said i DIDN'T.
Is this clear enoughh?!
His reply was:
You can dont say the last sentence. Repeat again.
Its the fact what, then what?! & i repeated 4 times already.
So, i repeated again lah. Wthell.
Whats wronggggggg?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Dont talk about it liao.
Anyway, just came back from the outing i had with Amanda, Tifflin, Sandra & Jolene. (:
We actually stayed in East Coast Park the whole day.
What we do is just to play DDR. ==!!
Play until leg pain liao. :/
Some people play till very good. (: Wish to be like them.
After playing for dont know how long, Amanda & me went Mac to buy drinks for the da xiao jie Tifflin, Sandra & Jolene.
After that, continue playing & Jolene started taking photos. xD
Where's Amanda?!
Here she is, my xiao bu dian.
& now where's Sandra? Oh! She was being pangseh playing DDR then while Amanda playing, she rush & take the photo. Lollol.
Sandra Sandra.
The ugly sitting. :x

Is this nice enough? Ewww, lady-lish. Heh.
After Sandra & me, Amanda rush & want take also. Gonna take liao, Jolene rush also. Extra nial. Cheh. KIDDING!
My dears.
Sandra need to leave. & Jolene wanted to talk group photos before leaving cos, she leaving also. ==!!
Sandra, Jaime,Jolene, Tifflin & Amanda. (:
Jaime & Jolene. 2Js.
Take finish photo(FINALLY), Sandra & Jolene flew away. Hahaha.
Tifflin, Amanda & Me continued playing.
Saw hamster & went crazy with it. & it pee-ed on Tifflin's hand! Hhahahah..
& i knew one friend. Her name is Seika.
She play DDR quite good & she's quite chio. But her friend chio-er. :D
Then got one girl, she thought we want cheat er money loh. Keep asking if we okay liao. Why so long. ==!! IRRITATING.
After "those people" put 10 tokens, we left. Eat in Mac for dinner. (:
After eating, went back again.
So quiet lah, no one there. & i played Para-para. Nicenice. xD
7.30, went homeeeee. (:
Tired loh. :/ Tomorrow going out with Amanda again. & with Bern they all. Hope will be fun too. Watching ghost movie, WOOOO!
Anyway, shall end.
Before ending, one pic. (:
The colourpencil that made me go crazy last night. :/