11:11 PM Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'm back from my Math tuition! Cool right?
Omg, i gonn be like Kayxi soon. Everything also coolcoolcool.
I wish i not gonna be like her... :x

Know what? I've not been studying after my History exam is over.
& it shouldn't be like this kayzxz!!!
I should start studying tomorrow even i did studied a little.
Okay, Tifflin & Shuchun came to my house today.
Shuchun wanted to study.
End up, i used the computer then Tifflin want use.
I go shower, i come out, she also playing the computer. =="
Yahyahyah, want study, yet, play.
Went to Parkway to eat. But not me. Is the two ladies.
Shall not talk about tuition cos want get ready to say
Reach home, on computer & blogging now. Kay, can i end now?
Yes, i can. BYE!
But, let me put two photo. :D
Raining already, mother give me 2 10 cents.
I run to school, teacher ask 3 plus 3 equal to what?
I say 6, she say CORRECT.
End of school, i ran back home.
Aiyoh! I fell down. I stand up, slowly walk home *zic zac.
Thats how i draw the pic. ;D
My pathetic sister playing with Joelle's toy. ><

P/S I'm damn boliao. I know that. Hehheh.

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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