9:42 PM Friday, July 25, 2008
Hello! (:
Today's lesson was not bored at all lah. Just some moment was pissed & sad lah But, i think im alright now.
Anyway, during PC, we did something like a profile & there's some question to answer.
Lesson for PC today is coping skills.
Just nice, the question applied to what i was having at that moment.
Let you all see lah. Dont mind my ugly handwritting. Cause i was not in the mood to write lah. Haha. :D
After school, actually had history class. But didn't attend. Haha. I still even stayed in school leh.
Cause June want me to stay back to accompany her. I left school at 2.10.
Then i went to parkway to meet my sister. I dont feel like shopping de loh. But then i promised her to buy her damn late present, so im like using my own money. & i brought $50 now i left $7.
She best sia!
Went & eat delifrance. Total is $22.15
I just ordered an ice cream. Its nice okayyy!
As my sister, she ordered three items. ><
Sister's food(:
My ice cream. (:
I was really bored, so asked sisterto help me take photo of my hand reflection. :D
My hand with smiley face & sad face. (:
After that went shopping. (:
I gonna buy this on monday. Cause i bought one liao. Thn not enough.
Haha, see before nipple thingy.
Haha, thats all lah! :D