8:26 PM Monday, July 21, 2008

Today went out with Sheryl. (:
Played DDR with her! She's like damn funny lah when she play. Cute lah she.
Beginning, both of us was liek still quite happy. But then, suddenly when walk walk at the beach, both of us became damn emo.
I dont knoww how to say how MUCH the emo-ness is lah.
Not much photos today. & i not gonna upload it today. Cause im not in the right mood. D:
Kay, if you want me to continue, i can go crying for like one week.
Just let me stop after saying some sentence.

I don't know why you're saying byebye.

But no matter what, i don't know whats byebye.

So there's no byebye in my mind.

So, stop saying byebye.

Its useless okay?

But if you really want byebye, then bye.

But if you need a listening ear, i will always be there for you.

I may be take you as invisible from now onwards.

Sorry. ):

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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