6:32 PM Thursday, July 17, 2008

I think this is our last time being friends.
I've done something wrong,
Im sorry.
Please forgive me if its allowed.
If you dont want, then goodbye... >
Kay, this face is for one of my friends luh!
So, friend, thats for you. Its my chinese homework to do. (: Hope you can smile everyday.
Thats all for my post. I got no more mood. D:
Continue at 7.03p.m
Go & do whatever you want nowww! Cause youre not facing the things youre having now!
Just face it & do that helped! What i can do is to say, SORRY! ):
You will always be my friend. Thats what i want to tell you.
& i want to thank someone & something.
The something is swing. Someone is QinHui&Sandra.
QinHui accomapanied me during recess.
Sandra push me high high at the swing.
Swing really made me happy. Thanks. (:
Labels: Face what you're having now.