4:26 PM Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Lessons was quite fun todayyyy! Time just files. Kakaka~
Art time: Teacher just check our art books. & we get to listen to music. So, i played with June. I almost make her angry. :X
Math time: Teacher was not here. Went to canteen and play around. Wahahha! Unglam was taken. ;)
Sandra & QinHui
Vice-Chairman, Gloria
Saw Bern & Mr ____? Hahahaha!
Nikita a.k.a Bikini or niki!
Niki teaching Amandaaaaa~
I very good one. Do all by myself. :D Heehee im rubbish-ing! .____.
Chinese time: First period was studying. That one hour left teacher bought us out to learn our drama. Have loads of fun! YAY!
Reading time: Can do whatever we want cause teacher just leave us behind. Hehhehe.
Home Ec time: Was so boring! Almost fallen asleep. Sat with bern, Jolene & June. Hahahahha!
Cam-whoring when we was bored! June wanted to have a picture with me cause what she taken with me i was laughing. :X
End up, nothing was taken!
June, twist! :D
Bern & Jolene.
Hello Berny!
Berny! Thats bad you knowww?! Haha, i do that too! -As in sign-
Jolene & Jaime.
Look at that June's pathetic face! :X
After school! Yipeeee! Didn't went for swimming! :X Went to parkway with Jolene & Sandra.
Have fun. Hahahhaa/
Jolene love taking photos man! ><
Resulting, i have quite alot of photos nowwww. Before going into parkway, we went to BK.
Unglam of Sandra was takennnn! :D Shouldn't elaborate moreeeee. Photos can be told how much fun we haveee. :D
Jolene hate vegetables. But i forced her to eat cause she's in ODAC & she have to have enough energy!
Unglam in BK!
Toilet timeeeee! :D
Sandra, Jaime, Jolene. (:
Jolene & Jaimeeee. (:
Kiddy around timeeee!<3>
Sandra & Jolene. :D
My turn to try the bag lah! Hahahha. ><
Copycats! xD
Digging noseeee...
Jolene playing. (:
Im playing alsoooo! :D
Sandra & me being an extra girl!
Jaimeee. (:
Went gaint timeeee!
Sandra have a hard time finding food for her rusty. LOL!
We are gonna sell this dog food! Come buy come buy. Hahahaha! ><
Thats all! Thanks darling for the day. (: