10:48 PM Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Today's lesson was far to BORED!
Chinese first period then i was asked to copy the whole ke wen.
Just only i never pay attention and didn't do corrections.
Thanks to she gave me things to do and i was arrangng my file.. ==!!
So not my ault please!!
IT brought natalie home. xD
Then was science.
Science everyone were playing. haha.
Then maths was like... WTH?!
After that us choir then today last lesson of Dr wang.
;D Was so damn sleepy today! YAY!
Tomorrow is my day! Its my birthday. ROFLMAO.
Nothing will stil be normal no matter what happen lah. xD
Anyways, since im so sleepy... I should sleep!
Sister also want to blog liao lah! ;D
But i want countdown to my birthday.
but nvm. No one bother about me even its my birthday.
Got birthday also got choir until 6!
WTH lah.. Terrible life sia.
Kayes, i go liaos. LOVES. <333

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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