Kayes.. Today have KC family day. (:
All of us had 3 games in our class.
Mine is the candle.
Use water gun to burn off the fire.
Hadhard time lighting the candles.
I get scald!
Didn't really expected that quite many people will come to our stall. (:
Its really shocking lah.
Its like the work you're doing cant even stop lah.
So many people...!
My form teacher playing also. (:
Went to huanted to give it a try
Cause they had it like every year and also is the same class.ROFL.
Since its my first year in the school, i shall give it a try. ;D
Everyone saiid its scray... Some came out crying its like... WTH?!
Got so scray meh?
Went with June,Sonia and Gloria.
While typing knowing about gloria, i will laugh lah. No reasons concern.
Then when i going in le, the person lead you then the three women behind me is like keep on pushing me back.
The person ask me,"Dont worry, continue walking!"
How can i walk when the three women is like pushing me back.
Finally, went in.
Tell you, haven even see until a single ghost, i shouted.
Then the three women thought got ghost they shouted too.
ROLF. Be the first one is the best lah.
They still keep on i want be centre and blah blah. ==!!
HAHA. But its really very scray.
They touch your hair, hand leg and etc.
They suddenly touch your leg very kong bu loh. ):
Then i decided keep on jumping. ==!!
They in cage bang bang bang... OMG!
Finaaly came out, me and the three women was like breathless liao.
No strenght. Cant talk. D;
Bad choice to go...
Then Mrs Ho our Math teacher ask if want take photo.
Then take just can have one.. So Sonia kept cause she paid money...
I love the photo loh.. ):
HAHA. Then continue helping out.
Finally! 2 liao.
Stop liao.
From 8-2 leh.
Very tiring de loh. ):
Then clean up.
Saw the ghost came out from the huanted house.
Release le, went parkway wiith Sandra,Amanda.Trifflin,Tifflin sister and Alicia.
Went and eat. (:
When in bus..
Took unglam photos
AGAIN!!! Wooohhooo!
But cant display cause school dont allow.
Then after eating in parkway, went popular.
Then Tifflin bought doont know what to eat cause amanda want. ==!!
So Amanda ask how to break it ah?
She cant the nshe put into her mouth.
Then she ask tifflin,"Can i throw it out?"
Then she went to the dustbin and pui.
She thought the dustbin the top got hole.
But didn't expect to be...

The orange orange thing is the thing she pui out. ;x
Then i needa rush home cause got tuition and needa meet shuchun.

When i needa cross road, i saw stickers which is from my school!
Donate money get each de.
Why people from our school put there.
I still keep it loh. (:
Reach home showered and slept a while cause a little tired.
Then sleep dao 5.50 wake up and rush things.
Cause i meeting shuchun at 6.
So i still very tired..
Then went le, havng tuition Mr Gan saw a nead.
He say,"谁的头掉下来? "
Shuchun say,"Mine."
Mr Gan say,"Aiyo..! Your head drop ah?"
I started laughing.
The whole class was laughing.
==! then when i see, i laugh more!
Its a monkey head.
I thought those pencil the people head.
See until monkey i laugh.

Shuchun say she will bring the quan jia fu next week.
ROLF. Still got quan jia fu..
She just simply love
Thats all for the day.
Having tuition later.
Maybe shuchun coming my house... [: